Fay - 10 Sun's Dawn, 1246 A.D.

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"I still can't remember anything." I said to Alma softly as she and I cuddled together by the window in my room, "And he still hasn't come to see me."

She leaned her head on mine and took one of my hands gently. "In most marriages, there is a balance. One person is temperance, and the other is violence, but the two of you have never been that way. You've always been strong in your affections, even when the two of you simply shared friendship, and so too in your conflicts. Anytime you've both come across something difficult or seemingly unresolvable, it causes you both a great deal of pain. The two of you do not understand each other despite being so similar. You are both so stubborn and yet become surprised when the other will not yield."

She gave me a tiny squeeze, putting a smile on my lips. I knew she was right, so I didn't argue the point with her.

"He made me promise not to tell you, but I'm afraid that if I don't, you will continue being stubborn with one another until the sun ceases to shine."

"Not to tell me what?" I asked, feeling a knot twist in my gut. He never kept things from me. That's what he said...right?

"Nothing serious. Worry not." She said with a reassuring smile.

I nodded. She was quite extraordinary; very few people could read me as well as she. The notion was unexpectedly comforting.

"He came to me last night after I left you to sleep, and he asked, 'Do you think she has forgotten how much I love her?'" She continued, rubbing my arm in a comforting way.

"That stupid pirate...why wouldn't he want me to know that?" I said, feeling a single tear sliding down my cheek.

"I sincerely doubt that he doesn't want you to know, but he knows that you will likely misunderstand his meaning." She explained gently as she patted my face softly.

I nodded.

Even though I was angry and confused, I'd not been able to figure out anything on my own, and I doubted I would anytime soon, so perhaps it was time to go back to him. He was the only one who remembered that night more clearly than the rest of us, so he might have something valuable to share. But it still irked me that he'd not come of his own will.

"Thank you, Mama." I whispered as I gave her a small hug.

"Of course, little one."


I opened the door to Wilkes' chambers and saw him lying on his bed reading a book.

He looked up at me from it, closed it quickly, and got on his feet. "Fay? You look exhausted."

"I am." I admitted quietly.

"Undress. I'll wash you." He responded in a tender-sounding voice as he came to close the door behind me.

I nodded tiredly and started to strip down.

I was glad of his attentiveness since I was sure I probably smelled as rotten as I felt. I'd gone longer without baths, but that didn't mean the scent was any less ripe. It was a wonder that Alma had the patience to remain beside me, given that lizards could pick up on scent better than humans could. Then again, she was rather patient, so it was in her nature to stay beside someone who was hurting, even if they smelled pretty bad.

"You prepared a bath?" I asked as I dropped my shirt to the ground.

"Of course." He said, coming to scoop me off my feet.

"Is it warm?"

"I wouldn't dunk you in cold water, my love." He replied, lowering me into the basin.

I sighed and could already feel my muscles loosening upon being introduced to the water.

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