The first Day

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I was so nervous in the morning I had to be there by 8:30 and of course I was late waking up. Luckily my mom bought me a rental car so I wouldn't have to call a taxi. I ate a quick fiber bar then ran in the car and got to work on time.

Once I got to work this tall man saw me and said "Ah you must be Ms.Rid." I smiled and he started talking about what he expected me to do and how I was suppose to behave.

Once I got into my office I already had work to do so I got to work. After 30 minutes of working a women came inside my office and said "My name is Rose Maid, I work across the hall I just had to come see you hope you don't mine." I actually did mine I had a lot of work to be doing and didn't have time for her,but since I was new I said "Nice to meet you Rose I'm Kayla." Rose then said we should totally have lunch together. We could be BFF I can't wait for our lunch date." I didn't like this girl she was to happy and bubble for me. I just smiled and she went back to her office.

It was 12:30 when Rose came in my office and said. "Hey Best friend ready for lunch?" I was quite hungry so I said "What are we going to eat?" Rose then said a list of places we could go and I choice this small café that served salads ,veggie burgers, fries, tea,coffee and cake.

Once we got there Rose ordered a veggie bugger with fries and a large coffee. I decide to have a chicken salad and a small tea. Once we got our food we sat down Rose started talking again and said "I hate meat. My dad died from it." I said "Oh,i am so sorry."
Rose said "it's okay he was a pain in the ass." I never really cussed my mom and I where good people we went to church helped people who needed help and always payed our bills on time. After an hour of talking I decided that maybe she wasn't so bad after all so we gave each other our numbers.

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