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I sat in the room of requirement, cradled in Sebastian's arms as we read a novel. I felt his chest rise and fall with each breath he took.
"I'm done with this page," I said.
"Took you long enough."
"Hey!" I turned to face him.
I was greeted with a smug smile. He was incredibly handsome. Sebastian leaned in and lightly touched my lips with his. I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up.
When our faces finally parted, I couldn't help but smile.
"I'm obsessed with you," he said.
I giggled, covering my cheeks. They were burning even brighter.
"Stop lying," I said.
"You have no idea how badly I want the whole school to know that I've won your heart"
"You can't tell anyone!"
"Not even Ominis?" He asked.
"No! It will make me look bad. A young lady, sneaking around with a boy. Imagine the judgment I'd get," I said.
He signed, "I don't think he'd judge you. But if you're not comfortable with it then I won't tell him."
"He probably has an inkling that we are together already. Ominis is very perceptive."
Sebastian nodded. We returned to reading our book. Part of me never wanted that moment to end. In his arms, I felt safe. Not so much physically, but emotionally. He accepted me, for who I am, and still liked me for it.

I don't know when, but at some point I feel asleep in Sebastian's arms. When I awoke, I saw he was asleep too.
My movement interrupted his sleep.
"What time is it?" He murmured.
I grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch.
"Shit! It's dinner time. We need to go. Ominis will be wondering where we were."
I dragged him off the couch and we made our way to the Great Hall.
We spotted Ominis at the Slytherin table and sat down beside him.
"Hi Ominis," I said.
"Where have you two been? I haven't seen you all day," he had a twinge of annoyance in his voice.
I looked at Sebastian, hoping he had some sort of excuse.
"We um..." I said.
"We were in the library studying," Sebastian chimed in.
"I went there and I couldn't find you," he said.
"We moved outside after a while. What did you do today?" I changed the subject.
"I too was studying in the library," Ominis said, voice devoid of all emotion.
"We must not have seen you," I laughed awkwardly.
"Yes... you must not have."
He dropped the subject after that. Was it possible Ominis thought we were avoiding him?
I felt a little bit of guilt pass through me. I just wasn't ready for him to know.


I had no clue if Ominis was on to us. Sometimes I swore he could tell. No matter how hard we tried to be subtle, little things would spill through.
One afternoon, I was sitting in potions. Ominis, Sebastian and Garreth joined me at my table.
"Alright students, today we will be making Amortenia. Also known as a love potion. It's incredibly powerful. Once a person ingests it, the first person or name they see will be the person they become obsessed with. An interesting thing about the potion is that if you sniff it, it will smell like the person you're most attracted to," Professor Sharp said.
I glanced at Sebastian and wondered if it would smell like him.
The class started making their potions. Professor Sharp would hobble past every once and a while, checking on our progress. At the end of it, he approached each student and gave his feedback. As we waited for him come around to each table, he encouraged us to smell our potions.
I leaned in and sniffed the pink mixture. In an instant, I was hit with a familiar scent. It definitely smelled like Sebastian.
We made eye contact and gave a cheeky grin.
"What does yours smell like?" Ominis asked me.
"Like the pages of a book," I said. I didn't say it also smelled like spices, I was too scared that would give away Sebastian's cologne.
"Sebastian?" Ominis asked again.
"Mine smells floral and like a warm spring afternoon," he said.
"Hey so does mine," Garreth chimed in.
I looked at him, then at Sebastian. We exchanged a look. Surely Garreth wasn't attracted to me. Many girls probably smelled like that. Although, the perfume I always wore was floral.
"Interesting. Maybe you both like the same person," Ominis joked.
"Even if we did, I'm sure she wouldn't be able to resist my charm," Garreth laughed.
I watched him for a moment.
'It couldn't be...' I thought. He avoided all eye contact with me.
"What does yours smell like?" I asked Ominis.
"Like fresh tea, and baked goods."
"So like food?" I asked.
"Yes, my favourite thing."
I laughed. I couldn't fault him.

After class Sebastian and I studied in the library.
"Do you think Garreth still likes you?" He asked me out of the blue.
"I only really see him in class now, so I don't think so."
"But he smelled your scent in the love potion," Sebastian said.
"Attraction and liking someone are two different things. Wait.... Are you jealous?" I asked him.
"Not in the slightest," he said. It didn't sound convincing.
"Aw isn't that cute? You're jealous of Garreth," I teased.
He stayed silent.
"Sebastian... you know it's you I like."
"He doesn't know that."
"Do you really think I'd change my mind? You make me too happy for that," I said.
He smiled and my heart raced. I really did love this boy.
"Oh by the way, I found something interesting in the book we found in the Scriptorium," he said.
"Show me!"
"Not here. Come with me."
I nodded and followed.

Sebastian led me to the Undercroft. We entered a familiar setting. It was dark, yet somehow inviting. He walked over to the crates on our left. Beside them lay a small table, with the book on top.
"What did you discover?" I asked.
"It was difficult to interpret, but it's fascinating. Evidently he encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts. Neither the Imperius Curse nor the Killing curse was unforgivable in his time. He believed students should be prepared to use Dark Magic when necessary, rather than fear it. That's why we had to use Crucio to enter his study. He didn't want to share his knowledge with just anyone."
"It was hard to do, but I guess it was our only option," I said.
"And I'm glad we did it, because in the spell book it mentions an ancient relic. This relic can grant the holder to reverse dark magic curses," Sebastian was getting excited.
"I don't know Sebastian, if we had to cast crucio to get the book, there's no telling what we will have to do next," I said, concerned.
He closed the distance between us, and took my hand.
"Aura, I know I hurt you and I'm sorry. But this might be my only chance to save her. I wouldn't do anything unless it was necessary for Anne's survival. And I promise, I will never cast a spell like that on you again," he reassured me.
"I know," I squeezed his hand. It seemed I just had to place my trust in him and see what happens. Clearly he wasn't going to stop pursing this.
"I'm going to search for the relic. But I don't think we should tell Ominis. He wouldn't understand," he said.
"You're a liar Sebastian."
I froze. Sebastian quickly let go of my hand.
"I heard everything. You swore you wouldn't engage in anything to do with dark magic again."
Ominis appeared from the darkness. How had we not heard him come down the elevator?
"No I didn't. I said I understood you wanting that, but I never promised I'd give up searching for a cure for Anne."
"You don't know when to stop, do you?" Ominis asked.
Sebastian walked off and I heard him get on the elevator.
"Ominis, Sebastian mean't well-" I began.
"I know what he mean't. I heard the two of you. Going after this relic is a bad idea," he sounded incredibly angry.
"We didn't mean to-"
"Didn't mean for me to overhear? Is this why you two have been sneaking around?" He asked.
I stayed silent. How could I tell him the real reason when he was so angry at us?
"You both don't seem to realise but he is being as irresponsible and reckless as his parents were years ago. That's why they died," Ominis said.
"He just doesn't want to lose his sister," I said quietly.
"Why are you so willing to enable his behaviour? I've lost Anne, and I don't want to lose Sebastian too."
"You're blaming me for this?" I asked, now I was getting angry.
"Encouragement isn't helping."
"You heard me. I was hesitant about it. I just didn't outright deter him from doing it because I don't have any information about this relic," I was fuming.
"NOTHING good happens with Salazar Slytherin."
"How am I supposed to know any of this Ominis? I am MUGGLE-BORN," I crossed my arms, then stormed off. I was furious. Somehow he had managed to blame me for all of this.

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