Ominis's Hesitation

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I approached Sebastian and Ominis.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Sebastian wants me to help him find something, which I will not be doing. See you later, Aura," he said, walking off.
I looked at Sebastian, who was shaking his head.
"What was that about?"
"I'm trying to convince him to show us the location of Salazaar Sytherin's scriptorium. It's here at Hogwarts somewhere, and his family knows it's location," he said.
"That's incredible. Why won't he help?"
"His parents are direct descendants of Slytherin. Their family is very traditional in many ways, from their ideals on pure bloods, to dark magic. His parents would make him cast dark magic on muggles on he was young. Naturally, he wants nothing to do with dark magic or Slytherin," Sebastian said quietly, so nobody could hear.
"Poor Ominis. I can see why he wouldn't want to help," I said.
He nodded. "But if there's any chance it will help save Anne, I need to find it. Could you try speaking with him?"
I know I was angry just a few seconds earlier, but Sebastian had a way of making me want to help him. It was the face he gave me when he needed my help. Something about it made my heart throb.
"I can try, but I can't make any promises," I explained.
"Thank you," he smiled.
A warmth filled my body. I loved seeing Sebastian have hope. Given how awful his uncle could be to him.
"Was that Garreth you were just speaking to?" he asked cautiously.
"You saw that?"
Sebastian nodded.
"Yeah, he has a hangover." I wasn't going to talk about this again, so I excused myself, then went to find Ominis.


I began my search for Ominis, starting with the most obvious place, the commonroom. My effort was futile, he was nowhere to be found.
'Think like Ominis', I thought.
I paused momentarily, contemplating where a 15 year old boy would go on the weekend.  The answer was numerous places. I cursed myself for not asking Sebastian, but then, an idea struck me; the Undercroft. After Sebastian had just brought up a rather traumatic topic for Ominis, it wouldn't be wildest idea that he'd want to be alone. I made my way to the Undercroft, rehearshing what I would say. I couldn't just blatantly ask, without any regard for Ominis's feelings, that would be unfair on him. I decided it would be best to validate his feelings as best I can, because that's what I'd want for me.
I entered a familiar setting, the Undercroft was a welcome sight. Lately, life had been incredibly busy, with the keepers and all. As I stepped out of the lift, I heard a familar voice.
"Sebastian, I already said no," Ominis said.
I search the room, attempting to find the source of his voice. He was tucked away to my left, behind some oversized crates.
"Oh, it's you Aura. Sebastian sent you, didn't he?"
I nodded. Then realised my stupidity. How could he tell who it was if he couldn't see?
"Did he tell you why I don't want to help?"
"He just mentioned your family favoured use of dark magic."
"They do, and they've forced me to cast it before. Do you have any idea what it's like to hear the screams of muggles, knowing you used the cruciatus curse on them?"
"No Ominis, I don't."
"Well then, I don't need a reminder of that guilt," he said.
"I'm sorry Ominis, you were just a child. It wasn't your fault," I said sympathetically. My heart ached for him.
"That may be so, but I can never forgive myself. Even now, I have to pretend to be like them, or risk being an outcast. My Aunt was like me, she's the one who found the Scriptorium, then went missing, never to be heard from again. Dark magic is evil. Theres no grey area, it's simply evil."
"Your Aunt found it?" I asked.
"Did you not hear the part about how she was never heard from again?" He snapped.
"I did, but tell me more about your Aunt."
Ominis hesitated for a second. "I never met her, but I've heard stories. Mainly about how ignorant she was, not wanting to use Dark Magic. They would speak about how she believed Salazaar Slytherin had to have had a good side to him, and so she went in pursuit of his Scriptorium," he said.
"She sounds like a great person," I smiled.
"She was", he smiled back.
"Wouldn't it be nice to know how the woman you resonate with so much died?" I asked.
"I know how she died, in the pursuit of a fallacy."
"But it would honour her memory Ominis, and give you a definitive answer. I know Sebastian has benefits from this, but honestly, it might help you to."
"How would it help me exactly?"
"To heal. You yourself said you don't know how the only member of your family like you died. She's special to you, even though you didn't know her. It seems pretty beneficial to me", I said.
Ominis thought for a second, then signed.
"Well, it's worth a shot. Find Sebastian and meet me outside the commonroom," he said.
Then he left.


Sebastian was relatively easy to find, I already knew he'd be in the library.
"Well, I did it," I said.
"Really? You're amazing Aura, thank you!"
"We need to meet him outside the commonroom."
"Fantastic, let's go."
He stood up to leave. I took hold of his robe before he could walk off.
"Sebastian, this is really stressful for Ominis. Be more respectful."
"Okay, okay. I will." He said, brushing me off.
I frowned.
"Ugh! Let's go," I said.


We found Ominis waiting patiently by the entrance to our commonroom, he leaned up against the wall. Ominis seemed as if he was deep in thought.
"Ominis, we're here," I said as we approched.
"Perfect, it's just over there," he pointed to his left. Then, with wand pointed forwards he walked off.
We navigated through the dungeons, until we found an archway etched into the wall. It was relatively close to the commonroom.
"It should be here. These braziers give access to the scriptorium," he said.
"Now you'll share? You wouldn't tell me when I practically begged you," Sebastian said.
"It wasn't you who told me what I needed to hear," Ominis told him.
I examined the braziers. They were unlit.
"Opening the entrance has something to do with threes," Ominis added.
"Well, three heads are better than one,"Sebastian said matter of factly.
"Confringo," I said, lighting them up. Then, I continued to do the next. I lit up three in total. On the third, the wall stone that filled the archway, descended into the floor.
"Let's hope we are ready for this," Ominis said.
I watched the two of them, waiting for one of them to proceed down the stairs.
"Well what are you waiting for?" I asked Sebastian.
"I'm just wondering what we might encounter, it looks awfully dark down there," he said.
I rolled my eyes, then proceeded down the stairs. Why was I the one who always had to go first?

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