Lending a helping hand

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The acrid smell of fire and death still hung heavy in the air. The Midtown explosion which had happened several hours ago, was now in it's last cleanup stage.

All the injured and deceased had been taken away to the nearest Hospital or Morgue and any infrastructure that could be removed to a more secure location was now being carted away.

Gerry Halliwell had been helping out with the Lost and Found/Missing persons list since the explosion area had been cleared and was now packing up her belongings and handing over her lists.

"Okay, so this is the list of identified. I have marked which Hospital or Morgue they are now at. This is the list of unidentified from Hospital and Morgues and this is the list I have put together from families looking for their lost ones. Most have been placed, but still a few to check off. The Police have been made aware and missing person reports have been opened, so they have been letting me know if any have been found. I have noted any identifying characteristics on both lists. Gerrie explained.

"Okay, great these seem pretty well organised. Thanks for all the hard work. You must be exhausted." The Relief co-ordinator replied.

"More mentally than physically. Still think I am going to have to take a sleeping tablet though."

"Yeah first nights after an incident are always the worse. Better get going before Disaster Management ropes you in to do something else."

"Yeah, you're right. Phil been on my ass today. All the best for this evening."

Waving goodbye, Gerrie made her way out the makeshift tent and into the night air. Looking at the site of the supposed terrorist attack, a shiver ran down her spine. 'How anybody could do that to innocent people.' She thought.

Continuing her way home, she walked out of the cordoned off area and heading north to her apartment. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a disheveled man sitting on his haunches, off to the side of a building, his eyes observing the area,yet also having a far away look in his eyes.

At first, her intention was to ignore him and quickly walk past, but as she drew nearer, she realised his face and very retro tracksuit was covered in soot.' Oh no, he was here when the explosion happened.' She realised.

"Sir? Are you alright?" She asked, but the man, just continued to stare.

Coming closer she tried again."Sir? Do you need help?"

Finally making eye contact, Gerrie was surprised to find apple green eyes staring back at her.'Holy shit! ' She thought.

"What happened?" The green eyed man croaked out, his voice not having been used in a long time.

"They still are investigating. But they are thinking it might have been a terrorist attack. Were you here when it happened?"

"It was bright."He said softly.

"Have you been checked by the paramedics?"

"Not hurt." The man grumbled.

"You might still be in shock. Once the adrenaline wears off, you might feel injuries. You might even have some smoke inhalation."

"I'm good. Not hurt."

"Is there anybody I can call? Anybody that can fetch you?"

"All dead... or will be."

'Shit, did he loose somebody today?' Gerrie thought.

"Do you have somewhere you can go?"

The man now gave her his full attention.

"Upstate. I have a teammate who is apparently Upstate. Just... Need to get my bearings. Everything is so different." The man said.

"Have you been away from New York? Things change on a daily basis. It's hard to keep up, and I live here."

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