Nothing's fair in love and war.

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Trigger warning for this chapter-  Talk of miscarriage. Marked by ***** and alludes to non consent ∆∆∆ and a slur©©© almost said.

"Fuck me this is good! Hmm"
Ben was currently on his third helping of Chicken pot pie( also the last) and the sounds he was making would make a Nun blush.

"Glad you are enjoying it."

"Enjoying it? Nah Woman this is me devouring it. Best thing I've had in my mouth, well,no second best." Ben replied while swallowing and giving Gerrie another wink. "And this whisky is really good. Tastes like the one I used to steal from my Dad's cabinet."

" It's really nothing. When last did you have a home cooked meal then?"

Taking a moment to think, he finally answered," Guess last time I was home, although it was the Cook's meal so not sure if it can be considered "home cooked"."

"If it's made with love, it's home cooked. Did your mom not cook then?"

"Not sure, was no need for it. We had people for that. My Ma was to be seen and not heard. Arm Candy really. Her job was to look pretty and bare sons. When she could no longer do either, she was cast aside."

"That's rough. Sadly it still happens today. We call them trophy wife's."

"Were you one of them then?"

"Me? Oh hell no. I had more a ... How can I explain it? Uh, I wish I had never married you, but I would break my Mama's heart to divorce you,kind of marriage."

"So why did you get married?"

"Too much of this!" Gerrie said, holding up her now empty whiskey glass.

" You run away drunk to Vegas then?"

"Oh, this story is going to need a refill. Hold on." Gerrie said while getting up and going over to the cupboard. Reaching up to the second shelf, she stretched her fingers, trying to grasp the new bottle of Whiskey in the back.

"Let me get that for you Doll." Ben said,caging her in against himself and the counter.

Gerrie stood absolute still as she waiting for him to grab the bottle and move away.

"Are you going to move?" Gerrie asked after a minute.

Ben moved his free hand around her waist, while he brought his body up close to Gerrie." And how do you want me to move Geraldine? I can move like this" Ben said moving his hips (and crotch) from side to side,"Or I can move like this" He continued while moving his hand from her waist, down her thigh and back to her waist." Or I can move like this, which is my all time favorite."Ben started slowly thrusting his hips into her arse.

"Ben" Gerrie said breathlessly.

"Or if you like that, I can always move like this" Ben said as he moved his hips slightly, turned Gerrie around, while picking her up a placing her on the counter, then moved his hips back into place to gyrate his crotch against her center.


"Yes, Geraldine. Tell me what you want." Ben whispered in her ear.


Ben immediately moved back.

Several seconds passed by in silence.

"Thank you"

"For what? Stopping?" Continuing on after seeing Gerrie nod."I may have done a lot of terrible things in my life Geraldine, but never have I forced myself on a woman."

Hopping down off the counter, Gerrie gave him a weak smile.

"Geraldine, is there someone's ass I need to kick?"

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