Jealous, huh?

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Cathy POV:

I woke up in the middle of nowhere, well it was grassy and there was loads of Amish people everywhere. I looked around to find Five and Klaus around the field and saw Klaus pointing at the field. They were having a conversation that I couldn't quite make out. Before, I could get up and go walk up to them, I saw a couple of teenage boys walk up to me outside the car. I just wanted to see if Five would get jealous just like Lila suggested.

"What's your name," the third one said first.

"Cathy," I answered him

"Nice name, I'm Aaron," 



"Nice to meet you," I said as I leaned forward.

"I think you're cute," Dave started.

"Well, duh," I answered as I flipped my hair.

"Confident, I like that," Jake muttered under his breath, as Aaron jabbed him in the ribcage as he  winced.

(I think they speak German in Pennysvlia so, yeah)

"Wir können teilen!" Jake said in German but, little did they know I knew German. 

"Sie ist mein!" Yelled Aaron as they continued to argue in German.

"Ihr könnt teilen," I joined in as the Amish boys look at me surprised.

"Du kannst Deutsch verstehen?" They asked me as I rolled my eyes.

"Duh," I answered.

"Do you wanna grab a drink?" They asked.

"Sure," I said as I almost got out of the car to get a drink, cause, why not? until somebody grabbed me by my wrist. 

"Sie bleibt," the person said, as I whipped my head to see Five, he looked furious but tried to hide it.

"You don't own me," I accidentally said in Italien, my mother tongue.

"Not yet," he said in Italien and winked making me get all flustered.

"Who are you?" The Amish boys asked looking at Five, who opened his mouth to answer them but, I beat him to it.

"My brother," I bluffed which Five raised his eyebrow to, but, the Amish boys seemed to believe me, "Now, how 'bout the drink we were talking about?"

I stood up to my full height plus my heels which was a few inches shorter than the Amish boys, but I let Dave put his hand around my waist resisting the instinct to kick him and pin him to the ground. I even let Aaron pet my head and call me cut without ripping his hear out of his ribcage. I looked behind to see Five's eyes hinting with jealousy. I grinned at my victory and walked to get my drinks.

-time skip-

I was back in the back seat of the car with a few drinks and chocolate that I was eating. I popped one in my mouth and I hummed to the song Five was playing. Five was avoiding eye contact since I came into the car for like 10 minutes, he was also in the back seat. I took a sip out of the drink Aaron gave me. I widened my eyes and spat out the drink and choked it all out from the window, catching Five's attention.

"Son of a Biscuit! Is this piss?" I yell at the top of my voice in the middle of the field in the middle of nowhere, I swear I hear laughter in the air.

"And I actually considered you taking me out," I muttered in Italian under my breath until I realized Five understood Italian.

"He asked you?" Five asked me, widen-eyed, I looked down to the ground ashamed. Literally, Aaron was kinda cute brown scruffy hair, brown eyes that reminded me of Klaus.

"Klaus is Amish! Damn it! It makes so much sense!" I shout over the music that was playing at full volume.

"I know right?" Five replied, "What was with the brother thing though?"

"Uh, just to make sure he didn't think your competition," I replied, finding and examining my heels that I took off.

"Oh," he said disappointment weaved in his voice. 

"Jealous, huh?" I joked as I saw Five tense up, "It's just to get myself a free drink, it didn't mean anything," 

"Shut it!" Five instructed.

"Fine by me, Love," I teased as Five reddened, I pretended to walk out of the door.

"What do you like about him?" 

"His attention, his hair maybe his kindness,"

He pinned me down on the seat, I was really flustered but, I tried to hide it. 

"I could give you all the attention you want," 

" I mean you could-" I started but that was all I knew before I felt a chill pass my bones but, it left a really good energy source. It felt like pure energy. That was what I knew before I felt myself float and I felt my hands glow of pure power. Great! I was having OverEnergising in the middle of a field. OverEnergising was what I call when I kill random things every 2 years with my the energy that runs in my veins. 

"Happy Thoughts, Happy Thoughts," I told myself to think. But of course, I had to send out a wave and kill random things in this case, cows. The whole field of cows disappeared. I fell out of the sky and landed with a flop ending up maybe fracturing my ribcages. 

"I hate my stupid powers," I said as I brushed myself off. But, I noticed that the cuff around my wrist disappeared. And then Five walked up to me and asked me what that was. But, I told him to save questions for later because with my Super yearning I knew Klaus wasn't in good positioning.

"Get in the car," I instructed Five, "Go!" I yelled as soon as I saw Klaus rush down the mountain.

Five yanked the handle open to the front seat and I teleported myself into the car's driver seat. I used my telekenisis to start the car as Klaus instructed me to do so.  But, the Amish people were catching up with Klaus as I watched him, bored. After enjoying the show, I snapped my fingers covering them with bright gold, and I shot super speed at him. He ran at the speed of light, like literally. And as he was about to go in the car, a lady offered him a book which he accepted making us late to drive. 

"Gosh, I hate my job," I said as Klaus was taking so long so, I floated the car and scooped Klaus up into the back seat and I descended us into a empty road for Klaus to continue driving. 

"I'm going to let you keep super speed, okay?" I asked as I looked at my wrist finally happy that I got rid of the cuffs.

"Wait, you got your powers back?"

"Well, kinda like that," I started "I'm a bit stronger than usual, though," 

"Cool!" He said like he's reassuring himself, "Cool,"

"This new timeline is clock-full riddles! Get this! My mother died before I was even born!" Klaus explained.

I slammed my foot an the brakes making the car spin around in circles until it stopped making a harsh stop.

"What did you say?" Me and Five asked at the same time.

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