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Authors pov:

While he waited, alot of things were going around in his mind and he started crying>

Darshan-(in mind)-WHY!WHY!, destiny chose this for me, i was well-settled had lots of love, but this happened to me, and I chose this path for my survival, i would never be able to forgive this version of myself.

While he was crying and thinking all these things, a tall, muscular man entered the room and sat on a chair infront of D, and he noticed his tears and he said,

Man-Oye, por qué lloras, los hombres de verdad no lloran, hacen llorar a otras personas.(hey, why are you crying, real men dont cry, they make other people cry)

Darshan-¡CÁLLATE!, nunca me atrevo a hacer llorar a alguien intencionalmente, y si esto me lleva a ser un hombre de verdad, entonces renuncio, los hombres también tienen emociones, pero cómo lo sabes, con tus acciones has dejado a todo hombre sin emociones, no pueden ser felices, nunca pueden llorar y nunca pueden estar tristes, porque estas cosas los hacen femeninos según tú y, como viven bajo tu paraguas, tienen que cumplir tus reglas o todo lo que les quede en la vida se irá. ser quitado de ellos.(SHUT UP!, i can never dare to make someone cry intentionally, and if this takes me to be a real men, so i quit, men also have emotions, but how would you know, with your actions you have made every man emotionless, they cant be happy, they cant ever cry and can never be sad, because these things make them feminine according to you and as they are living under your umbrella, they have to abide your rules or everything minute thing left with them in their life will be taken away from them.)

Darshan shouted, with lumps of tears in his throat and anger bursting through his eyes.

That man rose up from his seat and came infront of darshan and tightly grabbed a fistful hair of darshan and said,

MAN-OH, alguien tiene agallas, para replicar a una persona que puede convertirte en miseria en fracciones de segundo, y estás viviendo en mi caridad durante tantos meses y me replicas, ¿cómo te atreves?(OH, someone got guts, to back talk a person who can convert you into misery in fractions of second, and you are living in my charity for so many months and backtalking to me, how dare you)

Darshan got very scared, every colour drained from his face, the man left his hair and snatched the packet away from his hands, and said.

Man-¿Se cumple el pedido o no?( The order is fulfileld or not?)

Darshan-El pedido se cumple.(The order is fulfilled.)

Man-Ok, ahora sal de este local y nunca te atrevas a mirar hacia atrás a estos callejones y calles, estas calles no son para ti, gente tímida, bueno para nada, nada como un hombre, dime una cosa, este trabajo te dio la oportunidad. tener placer con las chicas tantas veces, todavía lo rechazaste, este no es el rasgo de un hombre de verdad, el hombre de verdad siempre agrega dolor al placer, la gente muere por estas oportunidades y te ofrecieron estas oportunidades tan fácilmente, y aún así no lo hiciste. aprovéchalo que tonto eres(Ok, now leave this premises and never dare to even look back to these alleys and streets, these streets are not for you, you timid people, good for nothing, nothing like a man, tell me one thing, this job gave you the oppurtuinity to have pleasure with girls so many times, you still rejected it, this is not the trait of a real man, real man always add pain in the pleasure, people die for these oppurtuinity and you were offered these oppurtuinity so easily, and still didnt take advantage of it, what a fool you are)

Darshan-Siempre he respetado a las mujeres, porque eso es lo que me enseñaron, y disgustado por la pregunta, no me gustaría responderla más.(I have always respected the women, beacuse that is what i was taught, and disgusted by the question i wont like to answer it further more)
A/N-I am tired of writing in the different language, it may also be a problem for you, so i am just writing it in English, if you want to hear it, please translate it, because i am already doing such slow updates, please, cope up with my bakwaas writing skills.

Man-you, little, i gave you money, food, shelter and what not when you were at your lowest, still this is what you return me with, you such a spoiled brat, anyways this is the last time me seeing you, after that I will not see you.

Then two tall muscular gaurd came and grabbed darsh by his arms and dragged him outside and threw him in the streets, he rose up and it started raining, years started flowing out of his eyes and he started crying miserably.


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