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"Did you see the news?" I asked Grian excitedly, shaking the latter at his computer. "Did you? Did you?"

Grian groaned loudly, shoving me off of him. "Yes, I saw the news, Timmy," he said. "Jeez, you and Scar are way too obsessed with those heroes."

"But they're so cool!"

Grian looked at me over the tops of his glasses before pushing them up his nose. "You think the most awkward, clumsiest, and most irrational heroes to ever exist are cool?"

I frowned. "They're not awkward and clumsy and irrational," I pouted. "They're perfectly cor- coordin- ordin- in- din- ated."

Scoffing, Grian went back to typing on his computer. "We must not be thinking of the same heroes, then," he said, then took a sip of his coffee.

"I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm talking about HotGuy and Canary," I said proudly with my arms crossed.

"Ha! Those two idiots couldn't tell an innocent citizen in a Halloween costume from a real villain," Grian laughed. "They're totally useless as heroes. I don't understand why the HTHS doesn't take away their licenses." HTHS stood for Hermit Town Hero Society.

I scowled. "The Hero Society hasn't taken away their licenses because they're good. Heroes. Mr. I-Know-Everything," I huffed. "They always catch the bad guys."

Grian sighed and pushed his chair away from his desk to stand up. "Maybe, but they're utter buffoons, Tim," he told me. "If they didn't get support from other heroes, actually useful heroes, like Tectus or Aphelion, then they would probably be dead by now." He stretched his arms over his head and yawned. "Parakeet, on the other hand, is actually the coolest."

"The supervillain?" Why would he like a supervillain?

"Well-" Grian looked away. "I mean, they're very strategic and they have well thought-out plans that work." That's why, I guess. Grian and his organisation obsession.

I sighed. "Whatever. But Canary totally beat the Mad King's ass today," I practically bragged, Grian looking up at me. with wide eyes.

"He- He did?"

"Yep." I grinned, figuring Grian was interested now. He really wasn't, but if given the chance to famboy over the greatest superhero over, I'm taking it. "Totally knocked him out clean. But he did get away. Nobody knows how, he just kind of... disappeared."

Grian looked away, murmuring something to himself that I couldn't hear before turning back to me. He did that a lot, talking to himself. "Well, I need to head down to the junk shop," he sighed. "Hopefully Joel will be there." He grumbled something under his breath as he walked away.


"Don't forget to feed Professor Beaks!" Grian called before leaving the apartment.

Grian was a funny guy. Not in a laughing way, in a weird way. I still loved him like a brother, though. After all, we've known each other since we were in diapers and we've been roommates for almost two years. But Grian had the strangest habits. He always sat in front of his computer doing god knows what then spent most of the rest of his time at what he liked to call the "junk shop." It was a thrift store that he and Joel ran together and it was actually called The Magical Menagerie, since literally anything and everything is sold there. But whenever Grian got home from the shop, he always went straight to bed. Even if he didn't have dinner yet. He was always tired.

Joel, another roommate of mine, was the exact opposite of Grian. Joel was loud and obnoxious and way too excited all the time. And he was kind of a bully, but not in a genuine way. He liked to pick on everyone, but he really didn't mean any of it. He was just a tease. And he practically lived off of energy drinks, kind of like how Grian lived off of coffee and Scar lived off of sugar.

Speaking Scar, he was the last of my roommates. (We're all poor, don't judge us for all living in a two-person apartment). Scar was like me; energetic, bubbly, and one of the greatest heroes to ever exist. Scar was my partner in (not) crime, HotGuy. Yeah, that's right.

Scar and I are HotGuy and Canary. Super cool, right? Yeah, I know. We're awesome. And... extremely hated on for being "clumsy." Some people just don't know how to appreciate heroes these days. We want to become as popular as the Top Ten and save more people than they could ever dream of. That's why we became heroes.

Speaking of the Top Ten, those guys are the most powerful, famous, and adored heroes in Hermit Town.

Number One was the hero X. He could manipulate matter itself to his will and he could access the Void whenever he wanted. He was probably the most powerful guy to ever exist. Ever. In any universe.

Number Two is Aphelion. Their power is similar to X's, and they work together a lot. But he isn't nearly as powerful as X is.

Number Three is Tectus. He's, um... quite literally a ghost. He can possess people and use their powers as if they were his own. He can also use any power that the Greek gods possessed, but only for a short amount of time. In short, he's strong. Really strong.

Number Four is the hero Moonshine. She's only ever on duty at night, but she can use the moonlight to create illusions. You might be asking, how is she the Number Four hero if her power is just to make illusions? Because her illusions mirror any attack towards them and multiply the strength.

Number Five is Solis. There are rumors that she was blessed by Aphrodite and Zeus to get her power to bend light. She's practically a copy and paste of Moonshine, except with the sun instead of the moon.

Number Six is Aeor. He's the prettiest. He's so cool. Literally. He can manipulate ice and snow, and he can summon a cool stag spirit to ride.

Number Seven is Gambit. He's a goblin and he can... do goblin things? I'm not really sure. He's really strong, though. And he can shrink and climb on practically anything.

Number Eight is Spectrum, and... I seriously don't know what he does. But he has ram horns and those look awesome.

Number Nine is Mythical. He's really pretty, like Aeor. He makes this, like, mist stuff that makes people calm and sometimes makes people fall asleep.

And finally, the Number Ten hero is Slimeman. He's... a slime. Very sticky. He's pretty good at manipulating it, so I guess that's why he made it into the Top Ten.

"Oh, Timmyyyy," I heard Scar sing as he entered the apartment. He was smiling proudly. "We made the news today!"

I smiled back at him, standing up on my tip-toes. "We did!"

He held his hand out for a high-five, and I happily slapped my hand against his.

"This is the first step to making the Top Ten," he said, absolutely beaming. "We're so close!"

I nodded frantically, matching his excitement. "I know!" I was practically squealing. "I'm so excited!"

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Woah another new story?!?! :0 This is the third one in 5 days lmao

I hope you enjoyed!! I tried really hard to get how I think a 19-year-old Jimmy might write in a journal, and I think I got it down pretty well? But I'm not sure. I hope it didn't sound too dumb, though- woneksnsnd /lh

Also, the rest of the story will be from a 3rd person POV, I just thought it would be cute to write the prologue from Jimmy's POV lol

Anyway!! I hope you guys enjoyed, have a wonderful rest of your day or evening wherever you are. Love y'all!! <33 /gen/p

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