Chapter 10

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TWs: Mentioned death, trauma/PTSD, violence/gore, and implied molestation/sa

Also, just to clarify since you guys have been asking, Zed's (or Spectrum's) power is to manipulate another person's power. He's able to deactivate it, take it away, use it to overstimulate that power's user, and to see what the power user sees.

' ¤ ▪︎ ° • ☆ • ° ▪︎ ¤ '

"X, stop!" Moonshine shouted, putting her hands together and then spreading her arms to the sides to create a large mirror which deflected an attack from the other hero. "What has gotten into you?!"

X didn't respond, instead sending another wave of disc-like black holes in Moonshine's way. She quickly responded with another counter, but when the mirror disappeared, X was nowhere to be seen. She turned around but didn't have time to process before X kicked her right into the Void.

' ¤ ▪︎ ° • ☆ • ° ▪︎ ¤ '

"There's something going on with X," Spectrum whispered into Joel's ear. "He's not been acting like his usual self lately, and I think his evil counterpart is trying to take over him again. I want to kill X. It's the only way to get rid of his alter ego."

Joel's eyes widened and his lips curled into a mischievous grin. "I'm in," he said without hesitation. "I've been wanting to kill that bastard since I was in diapers."

Spectrum rolled his eyes. "It's only to protect the people," he said, to which Joel groaned. "Oh, by the way..." Spectrum's cheeks turned pink and he glanced away. "How are Blaze and Imp?"

Joel blinked. "Uhhh... I mean they're both raging demon murderers, so..."

Spectrum sighed and turned around. "I shouldn't have expected a serious answer from a madman," he said.

"They miss you," Joel said, and Spectrum froze. "They talk about you a lot."

"They do?"


Spectrum turned back around. "What kinds of things do they say about me?" he asked eagerly.

Joel chuckled. "Well, for one thing, they're definitely still in love with you."

' ¤ ▪︎ ° • ☆ • ° ▪︎ ¤ '

Pearl was freezing. Her toes, fingers, nose, ears, and cheeks were numb and she probably had frostbite. She couldn't see anything, but she could've sworn that her eyes were open.

"Tell me everything."

At the command that seemed to come from her own mind, she felt herself blurt out everything that came to mind. She talked about her hero identity, her sister's name and hero name, her parents, the university she went to, her job outside of being a hero, everything. And she sobbed uncontrollably the entire time.

Every word she said endangered someone she loved and she hated that she couldn't control it.

When she tried to keep her mouth closed, she saw flashing images and visions of those very loved ones being brutually murdered and tortured, and Gem-

Gem got the worst of it. She was electrocuted, stabbed several times, and completely dismembered. But he didn't stop at that. He mutilated her body even after she was long gone.

She was already dead, it wasn't fair that he did that.

Pearl hated X with every fiber of her being.

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