Chapter 12

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TW: mention of death

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Listening to a child crying over his brother's death was something that Spectrum didn't expect to be so goddamn heartbreaking, but here he was. He didn't even know Joel but he was tearing up anyway.

The poor kid was wailing uncontrollably and practically screaming at the top of his little lungs. He hadn't even known his own brother for eight years yet and he was already gone.

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It took Grian a few days to muster up the strength to bring Scott back after Joel died. Jimmy had begged and begged for him to bring Joel back, but Xelqua's powers didn't work like that, he supposed. He could only bring back people that Xelqua killed.

Scott's mothers were more grateful than words could say that Grian was able to bring him back to life, though Scott was still extremely wary of the little boy. It only took Jimmy a couple of moments to stare at his resurrected "boyfriend" before he was launching himself at him to kiss him.

"I'm so glad you're okay now," Jimmy breathed, then pecked another kiss to Scott's lips.

Scott huffed a laugh. "I mean, I'm still covered in my own blood," he said, "but... Yeah, I think I'm okay now." He stared at Jimmy for a moment. "I also think I want to be your boyfriend for real this time."

Jimmy's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to process before Scott was kissing him thoroughly and making his head spin.

"If that's okay with you."

A goofy smile crossed Jimmy's lips. "Yeah... It's more than okay."

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Joel's funeral was arranged by Scar with the help of Scott's mothers, and it was held two weeks after he died. All of the Top Ten showed up in respect for Joel, even though he was a villain.

X retired not long after the funeral as well as Moonshine, opening up two spots in the Top Ten that Canary and HotGuy took. Aphelion was the new Number One, Tectus moved up to Two, Canary became the new Number Three, Solis was Number Four, Aeor was Number Five, HotGuy was Number Six, Spectrum was Number Seven, Gambit was Eight, Mythical was now Nine, and Slimeman also retired, leaving the Number Ten spot vacant for a new hero to take.

X, or Xisuma, moved out of the city to a quieter place so he could wrap his head around losing his twin and also get used to having his body to himself for the first time in forever.

Moonshine, or Pearl, opened up a diner where the Magical Menagerie was after Scar ordered it to be torn down, and she called it Moonshine's Diner. It was a restaurant and a bar and it was a common meet-up spot for the heroes.

Spectrum was reunited with his old boyfriends and they started dating again when Tango and Impulse (Blaze and Imp) vowed against villainy from now on since the hero system was no longer corrupt.

Aphelion reformed the hero policy to be more forgiving of certain things like heroes knowing each other's identities or heroes dating other heroes, now requiring all heroes to share their identities with each other with the reasoning, "It's easier to communicate and we'll know who everyone is if we ever need to."

Canary began training with Solis on how to use his power with the same intensity in the dark is in the light, and he quickly began to move up the ranks from there. He went from Three to Two, then Two to One, in no time. He bought a condo with Scott so they could live together since they were officially dating, and Jimmy was planning to propose.

HotGuy also climbed up the ranks a bit, but he only managed to get up to three. He couldn't beat Aphelion in a duel so matter how hard he tried. But that was okay with him, he was happy where he was. Scar also adopted Grian so he wouldn't have to go into foster care.

Grian went to school again and got a proper education at a school that accommodated supernatural powers. He thrived with friends he made at the elementary, but began to struggle a bit when he moved up to the academy. He's currently at the end of his first year at the academy.

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"Come on, Gri, you're going to be late for school," Scar said for the umpteenth time as Grian hurried out of his bedroom.

"Sorry, my socks-" Grian tripped on his sock that was half on his foot and half off. "Dammit!"

Scar sighed. "Here, I'll help."

After Scar helped Grian with his socks, they got in the car and Scar drove him to the academy.

"Have a good day, Grian," Scar called to the boy as he walked away. "I love you!"

Grian smiled and waved. "Love you!"

Scar went to a small café for some coffee after dropping Grian off at school. He went outside to drink it since it was a nice morning. He got lucky by getting the last available table. He sat down then caught sight of a raven-haired man looking for a place to sit.

"Are you waiting for somebody?" the man asked when he noticed Scar. Scar shook his head. "Do you mind if I sit with you, then?"

Scar shrugged. "Sure, why not?" he said with a small smile.

When the man sat down, Scar was given the chance to appreciate his beautiful and elegant features. This guy has got to have to serious cash, Scar thought. He looks like he could own the whole town.

"So, what's your name?" Scar asked.

The man smiled. "Mumbo," he answered. "Yours?"

Scar smiled back at him, thinking he really liked this Mumbo guy. Perhaps they could be something someday. "Scar."

Mumbo sighed. "I like that name," he said. "It suits you well."

Scar felt his cheeks flush. "Oh, well... thank you."

"Of course!" Mumbo paused and they stared at each other for a moment. "Hey, Scar?"


"I know we just met, but... are you single?"

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Ahem. Anyway.

I really hope you guys enjoyed! Have a wonderful rest of your day/evening, wherever you are! <33 /gen/p

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