•Chapter Seven•

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Julie dragged the girl through the whole neighborhood without giving her one chance to protest against her. She took her to meet the remaining two citizens.

Sally and Poppy.

Sally was a ray of sunshine, literally, but her personality was as well. Poppy was like a mother figure, having this warmth in her voice every time she spoke to the little fairy.

(Y/N) even grew excited when Poppy offered her some food. She had forgotten how hungry she was with all the excitement going around the neighborhood.

Then at the end, they led her to what she assumed was her new house. It looked to be the same size as the other houses and it was very colorful as well. It matched their aesthetic here.

The female with (H/C) hair noticed little doodles drawn on the door and also close to the windows. Another thing she noticed was that at the bottom of the door it had different kinds of signatures.

Upon closer look, she realized it was all of her new neighbor's names, it was their signature.

It was funny to her, since the way the house was painted it looked like something a child would've done. It was all so playful.

She liked it.

"Here are they keys and if you need anything else, you know where to find us!" Sally exclaimed, handing (Y/N) the keys to her new place. The fairy thanked the Sunny creature and turned to enter her new home.


"(Y/N) wait!" Someone called out to her and she quickly turned around in fright by the sudden loud voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout." It was Julie.

"That's fine. Is something wrong Julie?" (Y/N) had been alone with Poppy and Sally after Julie had introduced them to her, but for some reason Julie had wandered off without saying anything. Now that she had come back, she brought with her some flowers. "These are for you!" Julie smiled and handed the girl the beautiful flowers she had gotten for her.

"I grew them myself." Julie informed proudly.

They were begonias.

Very odd flowers to give. "Thank you Julie! They're beautiful, you have an amazing talent. I didn't know you liked planting." Julie at that blushed in shyness by the complement and let out a tiny chuckle. "It's kind of my thing.." She responded.

"Well, you should teach me one day! I would really like to learn to do different things." The blonde girl grew excited and agreed to teach her one day when they were free. Then after saying her goodbyes to the girls, the fairy female finally entered her house.

Once she closed the door, she noticed her luggage was already inside. 'One of the boys had to have brought it in.' She thought and continued her venturing inside the house.

Inside she noticed there were more doodles painted in the walls. She assumed these were Wally's drawings since he had told her he was the painter of this neighborhood. It gave the house a homey feeling believe or not.

There was an eco every time she took a step, due to the emptiness of the house. There was a small couch in the living room and a small coffee table, but that was about it. She soon found her bedroom, it was not that big but it was bigger than her old bedroom. A twin sized bed was placed in the back corner, next to it the window that gave her view towards the neighborhood.

The sheets were a (F/C) color which she appreciated. She sat down on the bed, before laying her whole body down. (Y/N) hadn't realized how tired she was all this time. 'A small nap wouldn't hurt..' So that's what she decided to do. The female promised herself to unpack the next day and keep exploring the other rooms of her house. But for now, she would just rest.

Also, she should get some curtains. Just in case. Because in this place, there was always some wandering eyes...


The Next Day

A knock on her door woke her up the next day and with a jolt she got out of bed. She was still in her pajamas, since at one point she woke up and took a bath and also changed her clothes.

(Y/N) felt like she had slept for hours on end, but at the same time her body felt dead. She was still very tired. Though she was sure if she continued to sleep, she wouldn't be able to wake up. The time was unknown to her but with a glance through her window she saw that the sun was already high up in the sky.

When she finally reached the door, she opened  it slowly and flinched when she heard a loud "pop!".

Suddenly she was blind. "Good morning neighbor!" Different kinds of voices shouted at the same time but she couldn't see. The fairy girl fell on her butt as she tried rubbing her eyes, trying to get out whatever had entered them. "See? I told you confetti was not a good idea. Way to go Wally." The voice she recognized as Frank's said and followed by it was the sound of a smack.

"Ow! I didn't aim for her eyes!"

"I think I did, sorry. I forgot how short she was." A different female voice said.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Poppy was the one who helped her stand up and she gently blew on the girl's eyes to get rid of the confetti that had invaded them. "I'm alright, thank you. Just shocked." (Y/N) replied and blinked, her eyes had become really watery as well. "Do you all usually do this when waking up someone?" She asked with a nervous chuckle.

"No, but today is a special day!" Howdy replied to her.

"Special day?" She asked confused.

"It is your first official day in the neighborhood and we have a lot of plans for today!" Sally glowed for a second, making (Y/N)'s eyes water once again. Her eyes were still very sensitive.

"No time to lose, let's get this day started!" Before she could say anything else, she felt herself being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. The girl grew panicked, everything was upside down and she could see the smiling faces of her neighbors, except Frank's, looking at her from their position on the ground. "W-Wait!" She tried to reason but felt the creature carrying her beginning to walk.

They had lots of fur, blue fur. It was Barnaby.

"Woah! Hold on there, where are you taking her?" All of them stopped, and looked at the voice that spoke up this time. Eddie looked at all of them confused as he placed the packages he was carrying down on the ground.

"Uhhh, on a walk?" Barnaby replied to which Eddie face palmed. "At least let the poor girl change, she's still in her pajamas." Everyone let out a loud, "Ohhh!" and then she felt how they placed her back down on the ground.

It was not on her plans to get kidnapped so early in the day.

"Go change then neighbor, we're gonna have so much fun today!" A new pair of hands were placed on her shoulders and when she turned to look to the side, she was met with Wally's bright smile.

"Right! Just give me ten minutes to get ready."

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time..."


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