•Chapter Ten•

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"You like it? I made it myself." Wally asked, a hint of proudness on his voice by the face the female was making.

(Y/N) approached the object located in the middle of the living room with a look of awe presented on her delicate features. She dragged her fingers gently through the canvas as her eyes analyzed every single detail displayed in front of her.

"It's amazing! When did you do this?" She asked and gave him a side glance.

Wally in return shrugged as he interlocked his fingers together. "I had time to spare."

"You really are a great artist.." It was her, well, a portrait of her. Every color, every stroke on the canvas was done with so much care and precision. For her, it was like looking into a mirror. The way he got every single feature of her correct made her question when he had all this time to inspect her.

The (Y/N) in the drawing was sitting down on the ground, her eyes were closed too. She also had her hands joined together and her chin was placed on top of them. It looked like she was praying. Her head was lowered as well and a dimly light shone from above her. The rest of her surroundings were painted in black.

It was as if she was engulfed in darkness. The only thing that was keeping her company was the little light.

(Y/N) inspected the drawing more carefully and something made her eyes narrow a bit. It was like something was looming behind her figure in the drawing. It almost looked like a pair of hands but she couldn't really tell.

'Maybe it's just the shadows of me in the drawing making them..' Is what she thought but she wasn't entirely sure. Wally did draw them like that for a reason. Or maybe she was just looking into it too deeply.

The fairy girl also noticed the frown on her alternate self and how her eyes were scrunched up together. It was a majestic illustration, she was sure of that. But it gave her a sense of sadness.

The other (Y/N) did not look at ease at all.

"What made you want to draw me?" She finally asked and took her eyes off the portrayal to look at Wally. Her blue haired neighbor approached the female and stood by her side as his attention was now on the canvas.

Wally sighed before turning towards her with a smile. "I lost inspiration for a while and to be completely honest I didn't think I would draw again for a period of time." He began his statement as he then let out a small chuckle. "Then I saw you and as you can see, I got lured to you."

She felt the way his hand laid on her shoulder as he gave it a small squeeze.

Wally loved making eye contact, and by looking into (Y/N)'s eyes it made him feel a different way. He was hypnotized by her without even knowing it yet. Or maybe he did.

"I hope you don't mind but I would really like for you to be my new muse."

(Y/N) looked at him shocked as she slowly raised a finger to point towards herself in confusion. She didn't think she was that interesting for Wally to make her into his new muse. The female thought the only thing charming about herself were her wings. That's it.

But Wally would say otherwise. Her eyes were her most charming feature.

Then, why did he draw them closed?

That's what he thought at the moment as he looked back at his new masterpiece. Ah, yes. He remembered why. He wanted to be the only one to be able to look into her eyes.

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