15. Minho (POV)

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((edited because I missed out some information, because I'm a dumbass))

I had told Chan that I was meeting up with Changbin after he dropped Felix off, I'm not sure why I lied to him but I felt the itch to hunt tonight and everyone else was busy with their bonds so...here I was on my own, I'd spent almost two hours trying to track the scent of what the others were calling my ghost and my frustration was beginning to get the better of me.  I needed to feed, I hadn't tasted anyone for nearly three days and I was starting to feel hunger pangs.  

"Hey...you okay?" a high-pitched female voice broke through my thoughts.  a short girl, with half-bleached blonde and half-red dyed hair, stood in front of me bent at the waist and was peering at me with a look of concern.  Her group of friends stood watching a short distance away.  Maybe sitting on my own and zoning out wasn't the best idea I'd had.

"huh?" I hadn't heard what she had said and was feeling mildly irritated that she was talking to me at all.

"Are you okay?" she said again very slowly like I was some kind of idiot "You look like you're about to have a breakdown or something"  She stood up straight and placed her hands on her hips

"I'm fine" I grumbled, I was fine, maybe.  Now that I thought about it I was feeling a little more frustrated than normal but agitated frustration was pretty normal when I was hunting for the ghost.

"you don't look it" She sighed and gave me an 'I know best' kind of look.

"I was thinking" I frowned at her "A foreign concept around here apparently...you should try it sometime" I got to my feet and turned to go find someone dumb enough to be alone at this time of night.

"oh we got a sassy one here guys" she giggled "We're heading to a party...you want to come?" I turned to face her, her eyes wandering over me like she thought I was going to be a nice little snack for her "There will be free drinks" she added as if it was going to be the one thing that was going to tempt me.  

"So you're inviting me to a party with free alcohol and a lot of dumb drunk people," I asked as I shoved my hands in my pockets.  This actually might be a decent solution to my problem, I just needed to make sure not to pick anyone that was too drunk, I didn't want to intoxicate myself with alcohol-infused blood. 

"yup...you wanna come?" she grinned and turned towards her friends.

"Sure" I shrugged and waited for her to move so I could follow at a safe distance, I wasn't in the mood to have a little human girl hanging off me like I was a giant teddy bear she wanted to play with.  I was out of luck, the girl marched over to me, linked arms and dragged me over to her friends.

"you have a name?" she asked planting me right in the middle of the giggling girls.

"Obviously" I sighed, I didn't really want to be on a first-name basis with a group of college girls

"And that would be?" she rolled her eyes.

"Lee know," I said not wanting to give her my real name.

"I'm Lily, those guys are Jess, Kiera, Molly and Mae...Come on Lee Know let's go get you laid" she half giggled half yelled, I rolled my eyes and let her drag me along with her gang of giggling friends.  We walked for around ten minutes and every now and then I'd feel a hand touching me in some rather personal places, but I decided to scold them would only make my night more difficult, put me in a much worse mood than I was in now and if my night truly sucked I'd have ruled out all of them as a potential meal. 

We walked up to the front of what looked like a frat dorm, I groaned inwardly, the last thing I needed was drunk frat boys. The last time I fed from one of those I had woken up three days later to a pissed-off Changbin and a hangover that made me feel like I had somehow managed to split my head in two and donated half of my brain to science. 

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