47. Han (V+A)

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I've lost track of how long I've been locked up at the council, i know it's been weeks but I haven't seen daylight since the day I was brought here by Minho.  I hadn't seen him since that day we were made to kiss by Mistress Clarissa.

Over the last few weeks, the council had ordered that I spend four hours a day in Malik's lab and then three in my cell for public viewing being perved at and degraded by the Rogues, I also had to spend one hour with Amid's research team every few days, I'm not sure exactly how long it was between visits to him because I had nothing to mark the passage of time.  I spent all of my time dressed in the semi-sheer hospital gown so any time I spent in the public view I made sure I was wrapped in a blanket to hide my body from anyone looking. 
I'd had more fits and seizures in these few weeks than I had over the last three years, and it was affecting my mental health, which was already very low.   

The tests that I had to submit to were mainly physical tests like stamina and strength they also made me drink Elixirs and potions that Malik or Amid had made,  some caused me intense pain, sedated me or knocked me out. some of them triggered seizures and there were a couple that made me insanely horny or kept me on the edge of orgasm without ever being touched.  The ones that caused sexual stimulation seemed to force fantasies to the surface of my mind, most of which were about Minho and were so Lewd that I felt myself getting embarrassed by the images playing in my mind.  It was mainly Amid's concoctions that caused me pain, Malik was always quick to give me an antidote if he thought I was suffering from anything he gave me, however, Amid just let me suffer.

I'd woken at least a dozen times in Maliks lab to the weight on top of me and the now familiar feeling of being fed on, but I never found out who it was.  It took me a while to figure out that it seemed to be the same person each time but I wasn't lucid enough to be able to pick up on any clues to their identity, other than their weight and the width of their body before they were forced to leave.

I was currently lying on my bed in the cell, I'd been crying as usual and had no energy to move,  the only thoughts in my head were of ways to try and end it.  No one would miss me, right?  it would make things easier for everyone...Minho wouldn't have to worry about his imprinting, Shammatt wouldn't have to worry about the other council members challenging his seat, the Rogues wouldn't be able to use me to get to the coven members and Amid wouldn't have me as an excuse to torture Minho and Changbin.  

Amid's attendants were currently standing guard, Master Shammatt had been told his guards had to accompany him and the rest of the council to meet with a Rogue ancient on the border of the council's domain.  This posed enough of a threat that they took the entire council as a show of force, leaving the council chambers and the harems only protected by a hundred or so Guards and attendants.  Only one ancient remained, she had been banned from attending council gatherings after her inappropriate order to Minho and her flat-out refusal to acknowledge that she did anything wrong.  Mistress Clarissa stood by the bars of my cage as she watched me.

"Han are you still angry at me for ordering Minho to kiss you?" she asked sounding like I was being unreasonable and she was exasperated with me.

"I thought you weren't allowed to interact with me" I muttered, there was no need for me to raise my voice when she could literally hear my heart beating from across the room.

"you do know he could have just given you a peck on the cheek and it would have fulfilled the requirements of the order " She paused, I wondered if she expected me to answer her "If you ask me...the lack of hesitation he gave means that he'd been waiting for an excuse to kiss you, regardless of whether it was intentional or not....He...Wanted...to...Kiss you" She pronounced the words clearly, I guessed it was to make sure I understood what she was saying, maybe she just thought I was stupid and wouldn't get it otherwise.    
It did make me think though, She had ordered him to kiss me but not how to kiss me, so he could have just given me a peck on the forehead and it would have been seen as fulfilling the order he'd been given.  Had he really wanted to kiss me?  did he really see me in that way? and why the hell had I just knelt there in a kind of stunned disbelief instead of kissing him back? it could have been my only opportunity to have that kind of attention from him.

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