54. Seungmin

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We were sitting in Maliks Laboratory, Staring at Amid as he raged, threw things around and broke everything he could lay his hands on.


Three days ago, when we had returned home from the Council, Jeongin had asked one of Master Shammatt's guards to take a message back to Terrance.  He wanted Terrance to ask the council if he and I would be allowed to re-bond.  After the Council had argued for half a day they had granted the request and told us to report to Master Malik's Lab today to renew our bond.  We were a little stressed because we hadn't seen Minho since he left with his Sire, we had assumed he had been taken to see Han but we couldn't be sure of that because we hadn't heard from Master Shammatt, Minho or our Alpha.  On top of that Amid and his 'friends' had made it very clear that he was against us rebonding and had publically stated that he believed that the Coven was manipulating the Council for our own gain, there had also been whispers that he was going to try and disrupt our rebonding or make it as unpleasant as possible.

Terrance had sent some Guards to escort us to Malik's Lab so that we wouldn't be intercepted on our way in, Which didn't help with our stress levels.   Personally, I was more worried about Jeongin than myself, over the last couple of weeks he had become more clingy than usual, to the point that he was now regularly in my way when I was trying to do something and he had asked me to feed from him almost every other day.  I had tried using our bond to find out what was going on but being this close to renewal our bond was becoming weaker. We had sat down and discussed it but all he said was that I was the closest thing to a twin and that he had gotten used to me being in his head so didn't see a reason to not rebond with me.

Thanks to the guards we arrived at Malik's Lab without any interference, Amid had attendants and his own guards every few meters in the corridors outside the Science section and he himself was sitting in the corner of the room when we entered.  Our guards remained with us until Malik arrived, we had the impression that Amid was trying to take us in for questioning, most likely about Minho's whereabouts and if we had heard from Han, as well as trying to prevent us from bonding.

To say that Malik was angry when he came in would be an understatement, he was pissed that Amid was invading his workspace and it didn't improve when he saw Amid in his Lab.  Amid was instantly ordered to leave, he argued and stated that he had every right to view the elixir being administered.  Malik informed him that it hadn't been part of our laws for over a thousand years for a bonding to be witnessed so he ordered him to leave again, Amid threw a tantrum...An Actual Tantrum...  he was throwing equipment and furniture around the room and screaming at the top of his voice as his face became redder by the second.  Malik had put himself between us and Amid to protect Jeongin from any 'accidental' injury and he remained there until his Attendants had managed to get hold of Amid and carried him out of the room still kicking and screaming like a toddler who didn't want to leave the party.

"That guy has a screw loose" Jeongin mumbled looking a little uncomfortable. "what was he hoping would happen by trashing the place...it just made him look like an idiot"

"It is my guess that he was hoping to trash the elixir and prevent your bonding" Malik sighed as he pushed the larger parts of a broken cupboard to one side,  broken glass spilling out onto the floor. "Thankfully I don't keep important things in unlocked cupboards" He sounded unimpressed as he flashed a couple of hand signals to an attendant who slid out of the room.  "come with me, we can't have you bonding among broken glass" 

He ushered us to the back of the room and through a locked door that was partially hidden behind some shelves, we followed him down a few corridors that were so narrow that we had to walk single file.  He unlocked a few doors on the way and eventually, we came out into a very large living room.  A large circular stone fire pit took up a large chunk of space in the middle of the room, the walls were lined with bookshelves, and a large table that was covered in old scrolls and stacks of books as if it was used for studying sat to one side surrounded by lamps.  Large squashy armchairs and couches sat randomly around the fire as if they were moved out of the way or moved to accommodate however many people they needed at that time.  There was a large low cupboard covered in bottles of alcohol and elixirs along with ornate goblets of gold, crystal and glass.  Nothing matched, everything seemed much larger than it needed to be and some of the blankets even looked homemade, some patchwork, some knitted, some woven and it occurred to me that this was probably his shared chamber with Master Shammatt.  

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