clingy // baby michael

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Michael - headspace of 1 1/2 years old

Ashton - dada

Luke - Dede

Calum - bubba

Ashton's POV

I woke up to a quiet house, far too quiet. On any other day I'd wake up to either A, crying from Michael, or B, michael jumping on my bed while Luke and/or Calum were laughing at the scene. Not today though. It was silent.

I shoot up out of bed, jogging out of my room and over to Michael's. I opened the door and there he was. My baby boy in his crib sound asleep. I walked over, seeing his binki bobbing slightly in his mouth.

Taking a deep breath and I checked the time, seeing it was already 8. I groaned as I looked back to the sleeping boy. "Mikey" I said softly, reaching down and picking him up. I heard him whine slightly before he got comfy in my arms. "It's time to wake up baby." Michael hummed softly before shaking his head. I smiled softly, heading to the changing table.

Once set down his eyes opened slightly. "There are those pretty eyes" I said. I quickly changed Michael, he stayed pretty quite the whole time, his eyes shutting again. I zipped him back into his footy pajamas and then headed over to the rocking chair.

I put Michael on my lap, starting to rock softly. "Cmon Mikey wake up for me." I rubbed his back, rocking in the chair until the door opened. It was Calum.

"Awe look at you two" Cal said as he walked behind the rocking chair. I continuing rubbing Michael's back, stopping the rocking so I wouldn't hit Calum. "Hi precious" Calum said, his fingers running though Michael's hair.

"Bubba-ba" michael mumbled softly around his paci, one arm reaching back and touching Calum's face. I smiled softly looking back at Calum.

"You wanna take him and get him dressed while I make his bottle?" I asked, Calum nodded.

As Calum picked up Michael he pouted. Michael's arms reached out towards me "Dada" He said "wan Dada!"

Calum sighed. "Sorry man, guess he wants you, I'll go get the bottle ready."
Calum set Michael back on my lap and ruffled his hair. "See-ya later love bug."
As Calum left, michael clung back onto me.

"Alright baby boy" I said, holding him on my lap. "Let's get you dressed" l stood up, holding Michael on my hip as i went to his closet. "What should we wear today bug?"

"Jammies" Michael said, smiling from behind his binki.

"Baby, we gotta change into something else, how about a onesie?" I asked, grabbing one with some small black and white dinosaurs one it. "You like this one right?" Michael pouted but nodded slightly.

"I wear it for dada" Michael mumbled as he nuzzled his face into my shoulder. I smiled, grabbing the onesie and some black overall shorts. I got Michael dressed quickly and then we were headed downstairs. Michael was latched onto my the whole time.

"Ah good morning love!" Luke said from the kitchen, a plate with cut up pancake on it in his hand. "Made you some breakfast!" Luke walked over, kissing Michael on the forehead and then my cheek.

Apparently Michael didn't like that because his arms immediately stuck out. His pushed Luke's face away from mine with a pout. "No kisses, that's my dada!" He said.

Luke put the plate down on the highchair's tray and then put his hands up. "Okay okay, that's your dada." Luke said before sitting down next to Calum.

I chuckled softly as I set Michael in his high chair. I sat in my seat, starting to eat my pancake when I noticed Michael fussing. Calum was trying to feed him the pancakes but Michael wasn't having any of it.

"Michael, do you wanna eat it by yourself?" Luke asked, Michael shook his head. "Do you want.. me to feed you?" Again, Michael shook his head. "Do you want dada to feed you?" Luke asked, pointing at me.

Michael looked at me and smiled a little, nodding his head. I sighed, scooting my chair over and taking the fork from Calum. Slowly, I began feeding him. After breakfast Michael only had a little left in his bottle.

"Wanna go watch a movie Mikey?" Calum asked "you'll get lots of cuddles!" He added. Michael shrugged. "Oh what's the matter baby boy"

Michael mumbled something as Calum lifted him from the high chair. Michael squirmed in his arms. "Mikey what's wrong?" Calum asked as he set the boy down on the table.

Just then, michael got up from the table yelling right in Calum's face "I don't like you!" Before he ran off to his room.

Calum's face fell as Michael ran off. "Luke, you help him out, I'll go deal with Michael" I said. Luke nodded, standing up and pulling Calum into a hug. I walked up the stairs Michael had just ran up in disbelief. He had never done anything like this before.

The moment I got into his room I saw him sitting on his floor, playing with his stuffed lion called Daniel. "Michael Gordon Clifford, why on earth did you say that to Calum?" I asked, putting on a stern voice. Michael only glanced up at me before going back to playing.

I knelt down, pulling Daniel out of his little hands and then grabbing his wrists gently when he tried reaching for the stuffie. "Well?" I asked again.

His eyes glanced down, looking at his lap. "I didn' wan his snuggles but hims was bein annoyin'" he said, his green eyes glossing over.

"That's no excuse Mike, let's go apologize" I said, letting him go and standing up. I then picked him up, putting him on my hip and then walking out of the room. I felt my sleeve damp-in as Michael wiped his eyes on it.

Once downstairs we heart Luke's calm voice speaking to Calum. Once he saw me and Mike he stopped the chat.

"Calum?" I asked. Calum looked back and gave us a half smile. "Michael go on" I said.
I put Michael down and he waddled over to Calum.

"'M sorry I yelled at you bubba" Michael mumbled softly "I just only wan dada taday"

"Oh it's okay Mikey, I forgive you" Calum said "can we watch a movie if dada joins us?" He asked, Michael looked over at me with a grin before nodding.

"Papa, dada, and bubba give me cuddles!" Michael yelled, running into the living room.

I smiled a little, walking into the kitchen to make a bottle for Michael while Calum went to grab a pacifier and some blankets.

Luke went into the living room, looking though movies with Michael and by the time I was in there hey had picked Finding Nemo.

I sat on the couch and Michael walked over, immediately snuggling into my side. "Baba?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. Adjusting him on my lap so I could feed him more easily. I pushed the nipple into his mouth and he immediately started drinking.

Luke and Calum climbed onto the couch, snuggling eachother. As the movie played on the bottle became empty and I could see Michael's eyes drooling slightly. "Nap time?" I asked slightly.

Michael nodded, "cuddle" he asked softly. I smiled looking over at Calum and Luke.

"Cal, Luke Cmon" I said, putting Micheal on my chest. Calum coming on my left and Luke laying on my right. Calum popped the binki into Michael's mouth and soon enough everyone was asleep but me.

"My god you were clingy today" I said softly before kissing Michael's forehead. Then I let my own eyes slowly close.


Ur author here!

I hope you enjoyed the first oneshot! Lemme know what you think! Please leave suggestions or requests for other oneshots in the comments >>

Until next time,

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