icky // baby lashton

115 2 0


Ashton - headspace of 4 years old

Luke - headspace of 2 1/2 years old

Calum - daddy

Michael - dada


TW- throw up
Calum's POV

I was awoken to Michael practically jumping on my bed. "Babe wake up" he said as he going settled in next to me.

I groaned, looking over at him and humming. "What's up?" I asked, voice still groggy.

"Do you hear that?" He asked, grinning at me like a mad man. I listened, hearing nothing but how silent the house was. I shook my head a little as I gave my attention back to Michael. "Exactly. The boys are still asleep.." he said.

I smiled, nodding. "Yeah?"

"Meaning we can do whatever we want." Michael said, still smiling.

I rolled my eyes at him before nodding. "Okay, okay" I said, turning over to be on top of him. I hummed, planting the first kiss on his lips.

We didn't get very far, only a few kisses and my top being removed, before we heard the crying.

I heard Michael groan in frustration and I laughed. "Maybe next time honey, go get the boys some breakfast?" I asked.

Michael was silent for a moment before he sighed "fine" he mumbled.

With that, we were both up. Michael heading to the kitchen while I walked into the nursery.

I was met with a half asleep Ashton and a sobbing Luke. I headed over to Luke first, leaning down and picking him up. "What's the matter pretty boy?" I asked as I rocking him in my arms.

"Icky" he mumbled from behind his pacifier.

I pouted, touching his forehead and sighing. "You are kinda warm" I said before laying him on the changing table. As I changed Luke's diaper, I noticed Ashton sat up in his Superman themed bed.

"Morning darling, you need a new pull-up?" I asked asked as I picked Luke up again.

Ashton shook his head, smiling softly. "Okay buddy, wanna go get some breakfast?" I asked. Ashton and Luke both nodded. I hummed, "okay then come on ash" I said.

With Luke on my hip and Ashton holding my hand, we headed downstairs to see oatmeal on the table.

"Oo yummy oatmeal" I said. "Thank you dada" I mumbled quietly to the boys who immediately repeated it loudly. I smiled, putting Luke in his highchair.

As I sat by Ashton, Michael came and sat down with a warm bottle for Luke and a sippy cup for Ashton.

We all began eating after that, well.. almost all. Halfway through breakfast I noticed Luke was only playing with his. "Luke you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "not hungry.." Luke mumbled.

"Awe Lukey, cmon you love oatmeal!" Michael said. "Want me to feed it to you hun?"

Luke shrugged before nodded slightly. "Okay dada" he mumbled. Michael smiled, beginning to spoon the oatmeal into Luke's mouth.

Luke took maybe two bites into his mouth before he refused the spoon. "Cmon honey, just a few more bites." I said, looking towards him.

He pouted, shaking his head. "No hungry!" He yelled out.

"Hey, Luke we do not raise our voice. Apologize to daddy now please" Michael said, crossing his arms.Luke shook his head again, making Michael sigh. "You wanna go sit in timeout then?" He asked.

"sorry daddy" luke mumbled, crossing his arms.

"Thank you baby, can you take a few more bites now?" I asked him again.

With a pout, Luke opened his mouth. Michael immediately put the spoon in.
Luke swallowed.. then threw up.

With a gasp, Michael scooted away a little.
"Woah" he mumbled slightly just as Luke began to cry.

I sighed, standing up and walking over to the sobbing Luke. I quickly pulled him out, starting towards the stairs. "I'm gonna put him in a bath, Ashton try to eat a little more okay?" I said before climbing upstairs to the bathroom.

While undressing Luke we continued crying. Through sobs and sniffles he managed to say "I sorry daddy".

I smiled a little. "It's okay baby boy." I said softly, starting the bathtub and putting some bubbles in.

Soon enough with the bath full, I put Luke in it. "If anything baby it's my fault" I said softly. Luke thankfully calming down now. "I shouldn't have pressured you to eat honey."

"Is okay daddy" Luke mumbled, sniffling a little. I smiled, starting to wash him off while he played with the bubbles.

"Daddy, no feel good" Luke mumbled, his face looking slightly green. I nodded, grabbing the trashcan and holding it up.

"Here Luke, go in here" I said. Luke nodded, leaning in and vomiting once again. I sighed, looking away while rubbing his back. Once he was finished I put the thrash back down and smiled slightly.

"Let's get you some meds Lukey" I said softly. I stood up, opening the cabinet. I then grabbed a bottle of Tylenol, popping it open and then grabbing out two and handing them to Luke.

He put them in his mouth, then took a deep breath. " 'ank you" Luke mumbled "I get out?" He asked.

I smiled, nodding a bit and lifting him up.  Then quickly wrapping him up in a towel. I drained the water and then the pair of us walked out of the bathroom and over to the nursery.

I dressed like in a fresh diaper and some fluffy footie pajamas. "You want a paci baby boy?" I asked, as I lifted the sick boy up from the changing table.

Luke nodded, pointing at his white one. I smiled, grabbing it and pushing it into his mouth.

With that we headed downstairs, not seeing anyone down there I tilting my head. "Where are Dada and brother?" I asked, looking over at Luke. He shrugged a little, cuddling close to me.

"Up here!" I heard Ashton yell from upstairs.

Luke tilted his head slightly and I did wide eyed at me. "Let's go see what they're up too" I said.

We headed upstairs, looking around until the only room left was me and Michael's room. I opened the door, seeing Michael and Ashton snuggled up with lots of cozy blankets and snacks.

"Cuz Lukey is sick we watchin' movies!" Ashton with a smile.

"Aw isn't that so nice!" I asked, Luke smiling from behind his paci. I sat down on the bed, laying Luke down by Ashton and then laying behind him.

"Nice choice" I said, seeing the movie was finding Nemo.

The room was quiet, only the movie making noise when Michael spoke. "You guys wanna know something sweet?" He asked.

Me and Luke looked over, waiting for him to speak again. "This was all Ashton's idea"

I smiled. "Awe Ash, such a sweet boy" I said, reaching over and ruffling his hair.

"I wan'ed Lukey to feel better" Ashton said, looking at me then at Luke.

I was expecting that to be it but the Luke leaned in a hugged Ashton. " 'ank you ashy" Luke mumbled. Ashton hugging him back with a smile. "Love you" Luke mumbled softly.

"Love you too" Ashton mumbled back, making both mine and Michael's hearts both absolutely melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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