chapter 3

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Remmy headed to her class. She was always early, always the first one to arrive. Her class this morning was taught by one of the elders. It was an advanced class and she had worked through the summer to achieve the advancement.

She didn't want to seem to eager so she sat in the third row back and close to the wall. She spread her book and paper across her desk, getting organized as more students walked in. The nine o'clock bell rang and the elder strode in, she was wearing a black cloak over her head and body. She locked the door behind her and glided over to her desk.

Remmy watched the slim figure in curiosity. The teachers here were never allowed to lock the doors. She had also never seen an elder wear a cloak so, elegantly.

Most of the elders were creepy. They moved smoothly, but this was different. The elder stood facing the now silent class. With one big woosh, the heavy black cloak fell to the floor in a pile. In front of the class stood a tall frail looking lady of an indecisive age. Her hair was a long straight silver but her skin held few wrinkles and glowed from her core.

"Today my pupils, you will learn to unlock." She placed two long fingers on the oak desk and up emerged a chest with a large rusted metal lock hanging from the front clasp. "I will teach you how to compound your inner flow and pour it into the thought off unlocking this chest."

Remmy stayed silent and focused on the elder. The other students around her began to whisper and gossip. Remmy ignored them the best she could and soon the elder took control. "Since some of you don't want to pay attention to me. I think it's time to pay attention to you." she smiled wryly. "It's time for a volunteer!" A girl was picked from the back and pulled to center stage.

"Go ahead, whenever you're ready."

The color of blood washed the girls face as she focused her mind with no results.

"Shame shame. Go back to your seat."

Before the elder could call another student, Milly from the front row stood. Ever the confident over achiever, "I'll go next."

The elder smiled at Milly pleasantly. "Well my dear, please show your friends what you can do."

With that, everything was still. The lock began to shake and a bead of sweat began to roll down Milly's forehead.  She began to slump, her body struggling to keep itself upright with such little strength left.

"I believe you have drained most of your power deary, please have a seat before you collapse."

The elder guided Milly back to her seat. Remmy saw Milly's face as she dragged her body forward. Milly's face was pale and sweat had began to glisten off her cheeks. The elder was now at the front of the class again.

"Anyone else want to subject themselves?"

Silence spread like an epidemic through the room.

"Well then" the elder said as she walked between the desks that formed a narrow walkway.  She stopped next to Remmy's desk and placed a hand on Remmy's shoulder.

"I think I have my next volunteer."

Remmy closed her eyes wishing this would go away. The other kids in her class were older than her by a year. In her heart she knew this wasn't going to end well. She opened her eyes and reluctantly stepped to the front of the class.

Some of the kids began to snicker behind her as she stood in front of the lock and closed her eyes once more. She centered her flow and before she could force the concentration towards the lock, she heard loud clicks from around the room. She opened her eyes and saw the big rusted lock hanging from the chest. She sighed relief but noticed no one was talking behind her back anymore.

"Congratulations, not only have you unlocked the chest, but you have also unlocked the door and all of the windows in this room."

Remmy froze. There is no way she could hold that force inside of her. Her cheeks flushed from everyones eyes boring into her. Remmy tried to quickly return to her seat but the elder laid a heavy hand on her shoulder.

"You deary, are free to go. It is a waste of our time for me to teach you something you already know."

She released Remmy and called another name from the roster. Remmy packed her bag and quietly left, thankful for the escape from those prying eyes.

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