Chapter 23

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By the time Friday rolled around, Kaylin was more than glad that she had accepted Nathan's request to hang out at the movies. At least now she could observe and try to come to a conclusion on the legitimacy of Tyler and Mariah's relationship. A part of her just wanted to sit down and watch the movie without so many what if's and dilemmas traveling through the portals of her brain. But the other half just couldn't stop thinking about Tyler. No matter how hard she tried. But she owed it to Nathan to not have her mind else where when they were supposed to be the ones having a good time. That was the conclusion she came up with as she made her way through one of the aisle in the lower part of the theater.

Nathan had picked her up from her house after they'd had a lengthy argument on this specific subject. Kaylin had suggested for her mother to drop her off, but he insisted on taking her himself. It took almost ten minutes, but Kaylin eventually complied.

They were going to see the latest horror film every teen wouldn't stop talking about. The film that everyone who saw it, claimed suck, but was always sold out before nine every Friday night.

Nathan ended up paying for the food since Kaylin didn't have any left after buying her ticket. They ended up getting some candy, two large drinks, and a tub of popcorn. Kaylin's eyes grew bigger everytime he added an item to his order, and by the time he got to the tub of popcorn, she had to restrain from yelling, "He got money!" even as a joke. Because he already knew that. And there was no reason she should've been surprised.

About ten minutes after the movie started, she turned her head to whisper something in Nathan's ear, and Tyler, who'd been there the whole time, finally got a glimpse of who he thought was Kaylin since the moment she stepped in the theater.

He suddenly straightened up in his seat and leaned up from the very top row to get a better look. Nathan looked at her, laughed, and Kaylin turned to say something else. With this last look, he had confirmed that it was her.

"What are you doing?" Mariah grinned from beside him.

"Uh," Tyler stalled as he slowly leaned back into his seat. "Nothing." As his back hit the chair, he discretely pulled out his phone and held the phone to the side of him as he opened his texting app. "Are you stalking me?" he sent Kaylin with a laughing emoji.

A quick vibration came from Kaylin's pocket and she quickly threw her hand over it in order to muffle out the sound.

Tyler watched her as she reached into her pocket after the vibrating had stopped.

She pulled out her cell phone, looked down at it, smiled, and without replying, stuffed it back into her pocket. She started to turn around and make a face at him, but not only would she get a reaction from Tyler, but Mariah as well. And she didn't feel like going down that road. So she feasted her eyes and attention back on the movie.

It was only halfway through the movie when she reached her hand into the tub of popcorn and realized that it had evolved into a tub of air.

"Do you want me to go get a refill?" Nathan asked.

"No, I'll get it," she replied, grabbing the bucket with both hands. Maybe it was just her, but Kaylin was beginning to think that he was trying to make this seem more like a date than just friends hanging out. And she couldn't let that happen.

Tyler's focus went from the movie screen down to Kaylin as she stood up from her seat and glided through the aisle. He immediately stood up.

"Where are you going?" Mariah chimed, causing him to stop in mid air.

"Bathroom," he lied.

"But you went when we first got here."

"Yeah, but these sodas...," he trailed off.

His Number One : The Sequel to ChemistryWhere stories live. Discover now