Chapter 29

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Kaylin was the first to step out of the car, and when she did, the freezing air wasted no time in attacking her. She reacted to this by pulling both sides of her black leather jacket closer to her chest.

They had only been sitting in the car for ten minutes when the party had already seemed to grow much bigger than when they had first gotten there. There was constant movement. Groups of females with long weave and tight jeans and even tighter dresses frequently arrived. Groups of boys with dreads and low fade haircuts approached these groups of girls with blunts and bottles of God knows what in their hands. They probably knew the girls. They probably didn't. Kaylin couldn't tell the difference. She watched from in front of the car as the two groups of opposite sexes walked into the house together.

"Aye," Jordan said from the backseat. Anthony turned to see what he wanted. Jordan was bent over in his chair, reaching under the driver's seat for something.


He looked up at Anthony with a devious smile on his face, and when he lifted up what he had pulled out from under the driver's seat, Anthony heaved and turned back around in his seat. "Man, put that sh*t away."

"What?" Jordan started. "You said it yourself. Sh*t's gonna pop off." He lifted one side of his shirt and began to stuff the pistol on the inside of his jeans when he said, "Better safe than sorry."

"Jay. Put that sh*t away," he tossed over his shoulder again. This time slowly and much more stern.

Jordan still had one hand on the pistol as he stared at Anthony, who still had his head turned slightly to the side in Jordan's direction. He waited for Anthony to say, "Nah, man I'm just playing. Gon' and take it". But he never did. So Jordan sucked his teeth, snatched the pistol out from inside of his jeans, and yanked the car door open. He mumbled something Anthony couldn't understand under his breath as he did so. Anthony opened his door and stepped out as well.

The blaring music from the house could be heard from blocks down the street. Conveniently for the host, the house sat alone in open air. The next house wouldn't be for a good number of yards away. Man Man had purchased this house with parties specifically in mind. The last thing he needed was a cop bust.

As they made their way towards the front door, two men wearing long t-shirts and baggy jeans watched them scrutinously. Kaylin ignored them as she walked onto the granite porch behind a group of people. Jordan was on his crutches, and trying his best to hide his face, while Anthony on the contrary, stared at the man on his right as if daring him to do something.

Had the neon lights that flashed about the room from the ceiling, and the silver light from the chandeliers became dim, the living room would have been pitch black. The only light Kaylin could see from where she stood by the front door came from the kitchen. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel. And a golden light came from far upstairs. Kaylin's jaw slightly fell as she walked through the double doors and into the spacious living room. There were at least three hundred here. This was the ghetto Great Gatsby.

The energy level was high, and she felt it as soon as she stepped through the doors. Men and women in their early twenties piled into the center of the living room and danced, and twerked, and did what party people did. Kaylin's eyes roamed over to a small group in a corner. They stood around talking loudly, laughing every now and again. One girl in the group had spilled some of her drink from laughing so hard. And the entire group proceeded to laugh again. There were about twenty of these groups spread about the living room. Some larger than others. Her eyes moved past a couple making out on a couch and then immediately landed back on them. She grimaced.

"Hey," a male's voice spoke into her ear. She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and jumped in alarm.

She was relieved when she turned around and saw that it was just Jordan.

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