Chapter 14

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Tyler and Lauren were always a few of the first ones in the school. The only people ever there were the janitors. All the lights were off except the dim atrium lights. And the only natural light came from the sun that shone through the glass ceiling of the atrium. 

"You know," Lauren began as they walked hand-in-hand through the school doors. "I'm really starting to think your friends don't like me."

"What?" Tyler exclaimed like that was the most absurd thing he's ever heard. Although he knew that that was completely true. "Of course they like you!"

Lauren shook her head. "No they don't. Jordan's always mean to me, Kaylin's starting to give me these looks..."

"Well," Tyler said trying to think of an argument to her accusations. "...Jacob likes you."

"Jacob likes everyone."

"Okay," he said, stopping in the middle of the hallway to turn towards her. "Well, I like you. Isn't that all that matters?"

Lauren faced him as well with a sad smile. "I guess."

And in order to make her feel more secure about herself, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. She responded to it with a smile.

"Let's go to the movies this weekend," she suggested, turning and pulling Tyler forward by his hand.

"I'm busy all weekend," he frowned.

"What about Friday?" Lauren stopped, and took the opportunity to gaze into his eyes in an attempt to persuade him knowingly.

"You know I'm busy this Friday, Lauren."

"Come on, Ty," she exasperated. "You can't miss one gym clean up day? I heard there's like twenty people signed up!"

"But I usually go for Kaylin-," the way Lauren's face fell made Tyler immediately close his mouth.

"Kaylin? What about me?"

"Lauren, I've been hanging out with you every day this week. I miss hanging out with my friends."

"You know what, forget it," she said, turning and starting down the hall irritably. "I don't care anymore."

"Wait," Tyler called. She stopped in her tracks but didn't yet turn around. "You're right," he started. "You're more important. I'll go."

Lauren quickly turned around. A big smile plastered her face as she scurried towards him, her arms outstretched. "Thank you!" She sang as she threw her arms around his neck. "You won't regret it," she promised as she pecked his lips. But Tyler was pretty sure that he would.

* * *

Due to the fiasco that occurred on the previous day, Mrs. Withers decided to take matters into her own hands in order to 'help the class run a bit smoother'. She decided to move Kendrick as far away from Kaylin as possible. So now he sat in the very last seat of the very last row.

"Somebody's asked me for the tickets and I don't wanna go alone," Nathan turned in his seat and said. "Now before I give them away, is there any chance you'd be willing to change your mind?"

"No," Kaylin frowned without second thinking. She knew if she pondered on it anymore she'd end up wanting to say yes. "I'm sorry."

He took the rejection well and turned back around in his seat. And in case her answer disappointed him even the slightest bit, she leant forward and said, "Definitely next time though."

For the twenty minutes before lunch, Mrs. Withers went over the reading guide to 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. Or at least tried to. No one paid attention. A few girls were in the back of the classroom grooming themselves, while everyone else held their own sidebar conversations.

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