44) Melting Her

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Vibhas Point of View


"Attention dear passangers! The flight is going to land in fifteen minutes"

I drew a deep breath as I heard the final announcement. I passed my eyes across the soft blue clouds which were all blur for me because of the tears. I recalled how I left India with lots of dreams. I thought when I come back, akka and Amma will be so proud of me for who I'm.

This was not how it was supposed to end.

My heart felt so heavy. I felt like running away to somewhere and hide forever.

I leaned my head back to the seat and closed my eyes for a while. I woke up when someone shook me by my shoulder.

"Vibha we are here"keshav said. I wiped my face and nodded.

The flight landed safely. After collecting our luggages, we walked outside together. I couldn't believe that I'm back in India.

Keshav called out a cab and we got inside. I was staring outside blankly with lots of thoughts clouding inside my head.

After the day I saw Isha and Anand together I decided not to stay there anymore. If I would have stayed back there to confront Anand, I would have lost my mind and sense.

I stayed with keshav for two days. Anand didn't come searching for me. He didn't even call me back and I knew it was over. I sent keshav to collect my luggages, passport and visa. He told me that Anand was not there when he went home.

I can't believe this is it. Anand and I are done. My heart wince at the thought. I think about Amma and how she is gonna handle this. I think about akka and Bava who will be more heartbroken than we are.

But this has to happen.

I'm applying for a divorce and I don't care if he gets back to India or not. All I wanted was some peace which i would only get from my family.

I looked at keshav who was looking outside the window. I'm so grateful to him for everything he had done. He was there for me when nobody was. He applied for leave and decided to come back to India with me just because he didn't wanted me to be alone.

I held his hand and he looked at me. I squeezed his fingers with tears filling up eyes. He held my hand assuringly.

"Hey...its gonna be okay"he said.

"I-I don't know"I said.

"You're gonna be fine. Trust me"he said. I sighed and leaned to his shoulder. There was few minutes of silence which made me feel better.

"Are we-going back to your home?"keshav asked. I nodded.

"Yes. I have nowhere else to go"I said.

"What about your akka and bava?"he asked.

"They're not here. My cousin is getting married back in our village. Akka and bava had gone to attend it"I said.

"So you haven't told them about you and Anand?"he asked and my throat tightened.

"No"I said.

"Vibha-are you sure that you wanna do this?"he asked.

"I know that this has to happen more than anything keshav"I said and closed my eyes. He nodded and didn't say anything after that.

I'm so scared thinking how Amma is gonna react once I tell her everything. I haven't told her yet that I'm coming back home. My whole body went cold the moment the cab pulled over in front of my house.

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