12) Pregnancy Complications

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Vibha's Point Of View


Anand informed me that Vennela Akka wants me to go for a detailed check up today. I was deeply saddened that she herself didn't came to me saying this. I hope she won't avoid me. It will break my heart. I was already exhausted going through so much in life. We walked downstairs when Akka came up to call us to have breakfast. We saw Bava ( brother in law ) and Divya Akka sitting in the dining table. They were having their breakfast.

"Good morning Anna"Anand wished Bava. He smiled faintly at us.

"Good morning"he said.

We sat on chairs. I kept looking at Vennela Akka who was busy serving us. She didn't even look at me for once and I felt very bad. I fought back tears.

"Where's Dad and Mom?"Anand asked and Divya Akka answered that they left for temple. I sighed in relief. I was scared to face them.

"Vennela. You sit along with us know? Why do you have to waste time? Jay will take you and Vibha to the hospital"Divya Akka said. Akka nodded and pulled the chair next to me.

"Vadina sit near Anna know?"Anand said and she hesitated. Bava looked up from his food.

"Yeah. Sit there vennela"Divya Akka and she was still hesitant. Then she walked towards the chair and sat next to bava. I smiled at her.

But suddenly Bava got up from the chair and walked away.

"Jay where are you going?"Divya Akka asked.

"I've finished my food. I'll be in my room. Call me when you're ready to leave"Bava said and walked away. I looked at Akka and found her eyes welled up. My heart sank. I didn't feel like eating anything. I looked at Anand and I found him in a pained expression.

I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes and I think he noticed it.

"Don't worry. I'll bring them together. It's a promise"Anand said in my ear. I looked at him. He smiled at me. I shook my head.

"Have the food. Don't skip it"he said. I composed myself and quickly finished my food. Akka ate slowly and I could read from her face that she's lost in thoughts. She barely ate anything.

Few minutes later we got ready to leave. Anand behaved like a stubborn kid saying that he will come along with us. I had no other option. Although I didn't show it outside , deep inside I was scared and wanted him besides me.

Bava got inside the car. Akka was about to come so I waited outside for her. Few minutes later she hurriedly rushed outside the house and walked towards us. Before I could realise , Anand grabbed my hand and made me sit in the back seat. I looked at him , puzzled. He sat next to me and closed the door.

Akka tried to open the door and found us sitting together. She was quickly tensed. I got what Anand was trying to do. I looked at him and he seems to be engrossed in his phone.

"Vadina you sit next to Anna. Actually we wanted to talk something very important. So --"Anand said and I frowned.

Such an actor!

We waited Bava to do something but he sat still without any expression.

"We're wasting time"he spoke after a minute. Akka quickly slipped next to the seat besides him and we smiled at them. He started the car.

I looked outside the window , caressing my tummy with my palm. Few minutes later I looked at Anand. He was tensed in face. I hope he's alright. I sighed. The rest of the journey was completely occupied in silence and it felt very uneasy.

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