52) Love and Agony

813 61 17

Vennelas Point of View


I gasped and opened my mouth, trying hard to catch breath. There was a strange restlessness inside my chest and I could feel it all over my body. My head pained like hell. I felt like I'm loosing my mind. I try to hold onto something. But I find nothing. Tears rolled down my eyes. I clutched my chest and try to scream for help. But I'm helpless. I can't do anything.


I tried to scream. I couldn't. No no. I'm I dying? I can't die this soon. I promised Jay I would fight this.

What's happening with me?

No. No. No. No.......



"Vennu wake up-"

"Vennu come on. Wake up!"someone yelled.

I snapped my eyes open. Then I felt my Body being completely inside someone's arms. I rested my head in the persons shoulder and took few deep breaths.

"Are you- okay?"I heard Jay's voice. He was shivering, just like me. I could feel his heart hammering against his chest. I looked around and then realized that I'm still in the hospital. A deep sigh of relief left me. I raised my arm and hugged him back tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.


"I'm- okay"I said. I felt him relaxing and tightening the hold around me.

"You freaking scared me"he said. I closed my eyes and let my tears wet his shirt.

"I thought I lost you"he said after few seconds. I wet my dry lips and nodded.

"But I'm here"I said.

He broke the hug after a minute. I looked at him. His eyes were red with tears. I touched his cheek and rested my head above his.

"I'm okay jay. It was just- a nightmare"I said.

"Just a nightmare? You were almost having a panic attack and your bp had gone up like crazy. God"he sighed. I really felt bad looking at him.

"I'm sorry"I dropped my eyes down. He touched my chin and made me look into his eyes.

"It's okay. I was so worried for you. I'm glad you're fine"he gently pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. I smiled as he made me lay on my back and covered me properly with sheets. Then he sat next to me on the chair and entwined our fingers, kissing the back of my palm.

"You're seriously fine right?"he asked.

"Yes Jay. Infact, i should be the one asking you this. You don't sleep properly. You don't take your food on time and you're in so much tension and stress nowadays. What's it that's been bothering you so much?"I asked. There is a sudden change of expression in his face. But he quickly managed to hide it.

"I'm- Fine vennu. It's just- I want you to be all healthy again. I can't wait anymore to take you back home and start my life with you"he said. I sighed and patted the bed, asking him to sit besides me. He got up and sat next to me, scooping me in his arms.

"I know that you're worried about me Jay. But I also know that you cared enough to hide your worry from me just because you didn't wanted to make me tensed. I know there is something else. Can't you talk about it to me?"I asked. He looked at me for few seconds.

"You're the only person with whom I could talk to about this vennu"he said hugging me tightly. I nodded my head.

"But- I'm not ready yet. It's too much for me to take at once. I want to give myself some time to accept this vennu. Because I know- If I handle this alone I'll be going crazy"he said.

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