Mad Love X9❤️

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Continuing from previous parts:-

'You have to marry laksh' Sanskar said and Ragini look at him shocked.

Sanskar look at her with a calm face as if he given her best advice one could ever give . Ragini quickly sat beside him on bench and ask in panicked tone 'what ? but i told you i love you—-' but sanskar cuts her off and explain 'that's why I'm choosing you to do this see to destroy laksh's happiness we have to break his heart which we can only do if his broke off with swara and as i observer your sister she won't leave him that easily as she is very clever but laksh if guided wisely he proved to be super dumb and emotional fool all you have to do is manipulate laksh so that he broke his marriage with swara and choose you' .

Ragini look at him with teary eyes and ask 'but why i have to impress him for all this ? Can't we just create misunderstandings between him and swara without including me in it' .

'Swara is a tough nut to crack i don't want to give her any chance to ruin my plan if she really loves you like she claims she won't be marrying laksh knowing you wants to marry him that's why I'm asking you to pretend to be in love with laksh and break his marriage with swara' he answered hoping she accept it as it's not just a plan to break laksh's heart but also a plan to divert Ragini's attention towards laksh so that she can fall in love with laksh and leave him alone.

Ragini held his hand in both of her hands like a kid who is verge of crying Sanskar look at her knowing her heart is breaking but what to do being with him only cause her problems and he don't want that for her after all she helped him from start . She with breaking voice ask 'so you are saying i just have to pretend to break their marriage but in reality i don't have to marry laksh right!'

'Yes' he reply but he knows laksh takes impulse decisions so he might end up marrying ragini .

'After that your revenge will be over and we'll marry'  ragini ask more like taking a promise from him to which he just nods and she agrees to be part of his plan . 'So from when i have to start ?'  she ask and he say  'from today only heard Maheshwari's coming to your house for some shagun try to manipulate laksh tell him swara doesn't really wants to marry him this early his mind start working which lead doubts in their relationship' .

Ragini nods 'i update you about it in evening okay' then give him parshad  he frown not understanding her sudden action and she say 'it's for good luck so that you'll be victorious in your work'  she pass a small warm smile and he take parshad still not understanding why she is in love with him like they both are poles apart she is soft hearted person and he well let's not go there...

Back in baadi:-

Swara read the message with worried face who is sending her these messages from past week maybe sanskar!  but will he go to this extent ?  she look at the photos that anonymous person send it's her room photos and some of her sleeping photos with some text attached to it 'say no to this marriage or else i have something more dangerous to destroy you'  who this could be ?

Ragini come back and saw swara sitting with tense face is she doubting on her ?
She took out her clothes and ask her  'swara why you looking tense aren't you happy about your wedding?'  swara look at the dress she pick out and say still puzzled  'is this really a good decision?'

Ragini thought to clear her confusion at first but it'll ruin sanskar's plan so she ask  'but why you told me you love laksh now why you aren't happy about it ?'

Swara let out a frustrated breath  'I mean nobody else is happy with this marriage from the day we accepted our feelings something bad kept happening first dada ji-dadi stop talking with us then that sanskar's drama and now this—-'

'This ??'  Ragini ask not knowing what she referring to  but swara say  'nothing umm I'm just having this uneasy feeling'

Ragini held her shoulder and say  'leave everything on time swara see the bright side there are people who love you not everyone is as lucky as you be happy them hmmm' .

She doesn't understand is it a encouraging statement or something else but still she nods as first she wants find this anonymous person and including ragini in it might create problem for her cause dadi doesn't want ragini to mingle much with her . Swara decided to get ready and ragini go out of her room .

Someone look towards swara's room from downstairs and smirk 😏

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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