Mad love x 2❤️

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Sanskar look directly into ragini's eyes who calming to love him unconditionally . What's happened with her in past few days that she's this much change is beyond his imagination, like come on it's hardly one week of that accident day when he confessed that he is just acting like an mad person and she decided to do as he say in order to get laksh but now this love jaap for him making situation more difficult. He come face to face her asking " you are very good with words ragini . I wonder if you talk like this in front of laksh then he'll surely fell in love with you but you indeed too naive coz you choose me , I'm not that guy who'll give you happily ever after like fairy tales , I'm the meanest of all who choose people according to seek benefit from them . You rightly point out the fact that I choose you to share my plan with becoz I thought you'll do everything in love but .. Forget it ragini I'll not be able to love you back with same passion that you are pouring on me " .  He is about to turn around and go but this time ragini held his hand with desperation say " I can do everything in love but here the fact is I'll do it in your love 💖 please sanskar give me a chance to prove my love for you 🥺 I assure you no one in this world could love you like I do . I can even die for you without thinking twice just trust me and give my love one chance "  .
Sanskar take one step closer to her cutting off the remaining five feet distance between them to only one feet and say " oath waisely ragini coz once you do a promise to me I'll not let you back out of that promise "  ,  Ragini inhale a shaky breath and reply  " who wants to back then ? ". Sanskar smile and ask her to accompany him which she do obediently.

Sanskar took her to river brigade(the one famous brigade in swaragini show)  and asked looking at the strong high tides " do you know how to swim? "  Ragini nodded in no to his question  , Sanskar look at ragini for a minute and then back to water say " jump in the river now " she look at him with confused face but he is serious about what he say . One minute passed but ragini didn't jump so sanskar let out a sarcastic smirk thinking now her love magic might be fall of her head but that smirk fell off when ragini stood in front of him facing him muttering ' I love you ' and fall in river seeing him ...

Sanskar look at her drowning in river becoz of water flow but she is not struggling to come out of water and start to going drown with strong tides  , Sanskar face the other side of river muttering a quick " sh*t " taking off his kurta jumped into river to save his mad lover ............

Sanskar swim out with her and laid back with her on shore giving her mouth to mouth as water going in her mouth through wrong throat pipe. He continued to give her breaths when she finally coughed and throw out water breathing heavily and opening her eyes to see her saviour 😍  she manages to blushe hard making her cheeks light pink in colour looking at him 🥰 sanskar held her right cheek in his palm ask " you are blushing becoz I jumped to save you ! " she slowly say. " I——-I'm blushing becoz it's———it's my first kiss ever ❤️ that to with you the one who I love 😍 "  sanskar trace her lower lip with his thumb and say  " let me make it memorable for you " and in an instant locking lips with her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Two mad lovers in this world = trouble ........

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