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Rodney Copperbottom. What the devious little scoundrel he was. Or at least to Ratchet, at that moment. I mean, he literally was the one who destroyed his and Madame Gasket's (Ratchet's mother) underground factory, and practically ripped him from his production of improved parts for robots. Clearly it was all his fault here, as without him he wouldn't be chained to the man he called father.

With his eyes full of hatred, he silently yet aggressively watched as Rodney strolled through the broken Underground, swinging his toolbox at his side. Every so often he would crouch down to the ground to inspect a sheet of metal or a screw or a nail, where he would then open up his empty toolbox and set it in. Ratchet couldn't believe what he was doing.  Not only did he and his little gang of misfits take over his rein, but now he was stealing from him? What was the point of that?

When he lingered close enough to where the forgotten duo was shackled, Ratchet opened his big fat mouth to give that Rodney a piece of his mind. "Hey!" he shouted.

His voice echoed throughout the underground, and was enough to catch Rodney's attention. He stood up and looked at the robot stripped of his improved body. Though he didn't seem to have the same furiousness as Ratchet, or so his slightly surprised expression seemed to convey.

"Oh! Phineas," he said, standing up from his crouched state. "I forgot that you were still hanging around." He turned his head toward the robot's father and waved. "Hello, Monsoir Gasket!"

"What a pleasant surprise!" The skinny robot turned to his son and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Remind me, who is he again?"

Ratchet ignored him. "What do you think you're doing here, Copperbottom? Didn't you get the memo last time? You're not welcome. Not you nor your kind."

"That's rich coming from you, Ratchet," Rodney replied carefreely, picking up another sheet of metal. "Because I don't remember anyone wanting you here." He tossed it into his toolbox, as if he was proving a point there.

Well, in a way, he was right.

Ratchet scrunched up his steel face, or as much as he could muster. "What are you doing here, anyway? Did you seriously come all the way down here to steal from me?"

"Stealing? From you?"


"I'm not stealing anything," Rodney claimed. "As this place technically isn't yours anymore, (and wasn't yours to begin with,) anyone is free to do whatever they want with it. Well, under the permission of Bigweld, of course." He picked up a wobbly sheet of scrap off the ground and wiggled it in front of him, making a warpy wobbly sound. "And anyway, if you need to know, I needed some extra scrap, and I knew that you'd probably have some."

Ratchet smiled devilishly. "For your 'tinkering' I suppose? Is that right?"

"To put it simply, yes."

"So you think that because you broke down my factory, that you're just going to walk over me?"

Rodney just stayed silent, looking around awkwardly as Ratchet spat out soppiness.

"And anyway, you didn't even think of asking me first? Does no one care about Ratchet's feelings anymore?"

Rodney tightened his jaw and averted his gaze before looking up at the hanging bot. "If it'd make you feel better sir—"

"I'd feel so much better if you would leave," Ratchet interrupted, pointing to the exit.

Rodney frowned and narrowed his eyes. "I was actually going to thank you."

Ratchet's face disfigured with suspicion. "Thank me? For what?"

"For helping me. Without you, I never would've met Bigweld, helped my dad, and achieved my dream. In a way, I'm glad to have met you, Ratchet."

Ratchet growled. "I should've ripped you up the day I first met you, Copperbum."

Rodney faked a smile. "We'll see." Picking up another scrap of metal, he turned his back on Ratchet and walked out of the Underground.

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