Who's Ratchet

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Rodney led Ratchet to the elevator where they stepped in. Rodney did the honors and pushed the button, watching the doors slide in front of them. Awkwardly the two robots stood there while jazzy elevator music played in the background, not saying a word to each other. When the door finally did open, Rodney was quick to step out the door. Though so was Ratchet, resulting in them crashing against each other and getting squished in the door.

It took a second before they finally were free from the elevator, and the door slide closed behind them as they walked into a room. It was a room with some more of Bigweld's workers at desks and taking in calls while writing stuff down on a lined sheet of paper attached to a clip board. Ratchet was neither impressed or excited for what was going to happen next, and narrowed his eyes at the employees as Rodney led him to an empty desk.

"This is your desk and phone," Rodney explained. "When you hear it ring and see the alarm blink-"

"I know how it works, Copperbottom," Ratchet interrupted through gritted teeth.

Rodney smiled fakely. "Oh! Then you shouldn't have much trouble getting started, then. Have a seat and I'll leave you to it!"

When Rodney turned his back, Ratchet silently mocked the blue robot as he sat down in front of the white desk. He grumbled to himself and folded his arms, staring at the phone in front of him. This is stupid, he grumbled to himself. I shouldn't be down here. That outmode should be down here instead of me.

He turned next to him. In the desk next to him was another robot who was awaiting a call. He looked oddly familiar. Ratchet put on a charming smile facade as he pretended to seem surprised. "Hey, I know you!" He said. "Your Larry! Wait, no, he was the other one. Gary? Yes, Gary!"

The robot, Gary, looked confused. He then said, "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

Ratchet's jaw almost detached from shock. "What do you mean? Don't you remember me?"

The robot did a quick glance over but didn't respond well. "Uh..."

"It's Ratchet. You literally worked for me! When Bigweld was out on vacation?"

The robot rubbed his chin. "I'm afraid I don't recall..."

Ratchet smacked his hands on the table, making a loud bang sound. "How can't you remember me?! The business changes?! Anything?!" He looked over at everyone else, who was looking at him now. "Don't any of you know who I am?!"

A phone started ringing and Ratchet was snorting angrily like a bull. The robot next to him scooched away a little and pointed to the phone. "I have a call to get to, so..." Without finishing his sentence, he picked up the phone and spoke into it. Ratchet just slunk back in his seat, thinking about how unfair this was.

Meanwhile, Rodney took the elevator back up to the main part of Bigweld Industries and went on his office - Ratchet's old office. He sat down on the chair and held his hand up to his face, letting out an annoyed sigh. While he was willing to let Ratchet come back to work, he really wished that he wasn't. Heck, he wished that he hadn't went down to the Chop Shoot in the first place, where he saw Ratchet after the few months he was gone. For a while he thought that he was out of his life, but now he suddenly got back in it.

There was a figment of worry inside of him, too, now that he was back in Bigweld Industries. What if the entire company would be in jeopardy again?

Well, he certainly wouldn't let that happen.

Trying to get his mind of it, Rodney looked through his drawers in his desk. Perhaps he could do some organizing, as files and stuff where getting misplaced again. As he was pulling out folders and papers and files, in one of his drawers, he noticed something different. There looked to be a latch at the end of it that he didn't notice there before.

"That's strange," Rodney said. He looped his finger around the latch and pulled it, seeing if it would do anything.

It did. Underneath it looked to be a separate compartment, and it was filled with full files containing information. On the label, it said, "Madame Gasket's Plans."

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