Aunt Fanny's

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Once Rodney was done with his shift, he led Ratchet away from the shop. At first, Ratchet though that he was just going to take him back to the abandoned Chop Shop out of malice, but when they didn't turn down the road that would take them there, he started to question where exactly he was going. In fact, he felt a little nervous. Was he taking him to a group to jump him or something?

"Where are you taking me?" he finally asked Rodney.

Rodney smiled at him. "Just to some old friends. I think you'll remember them."

Ratchet's instincts were right, then. He was going to jump him.

Either way, he kept silent and still walked with him, not wanting to seem too suspicious. While doing that, though, he was thinking of an escape plan when things got heavy.

After going for what seemed like forever, in another part of Robot City, Rodney started slowing down when it came to a certain house in a neighborhood. "Here we are."

"What is this place?"

"It's Aunt Fanny's," Rodney simply said. "Come on. I'm sure we can find you a room."

Ah. So it was a hotel of sorts? Or maybe a housing place? Even if it was, Ratchet didn't let his guard down, ready to run or fight if he had to.

Rodney rang the doorbell, hearing it go throughout the house. After a few seconds, someone answered the door. It was Fender, and he looked happy to see Rodney. Ratchet remembered Fender by the one who got away from the Chop Shop, and glared at him.

"Hey, Rodney!" Fender greeted. "We were wondering when you were coming. How was your day?"

"Same old same old." Rodney said. "Hey, do you think that Aunt Fanny has room for one more?"

"Oh, I'd believe so! Who'd that be for? Is Cappy staying over again?"

Fender peered outside to look for himself, and he froze when he realized that it was Ratchet standing there next to Rodney. His jaw dropped and he quickly grabbed onto his friend, attempting to pull him inside.

Rodney groaned. "What are you doing?"

"You can't let him in! Dont you remember what he tried doing to us? What he did to us?"

"Yeah, but he wants to change his ways," Rodney said. "He said so."

Ratchet forced a smile in an attempt to look innocent. It only made him look queasy.

"Do you really think that we should trust him after everything he's done?"

"He's willing to try. Just give him a chance." Leaning in, he whispered to Fender. "We'll talk more about this later."

Fender stared at Rodney before glancing up at Ratchet again. He pinched his nose and sighed. "Alright, come in."

Sending Ratchet an encouraging look, Rodney followed Fender inside. Ratchet frowned and walked in after, having to crouch a little to get through the door. He closed it behind him and looked around in displeasure. The place was reeking with outmoded things, though maybe not as much as Rodney's shop. Still, it made him feel gross inside.

"Aunt Fanny!" Rodney shouted out. "I'm back!"

Somewhere in the house, a voice replied to him. "Rodney! That's great! You're just in time for supper!"

Fender timidly went into the kitchen. "Make sure you make another plate," he told Aunt Fanny. "We're having another guest." 

Rodney and Ratchet followed him in just as Aunt Fanny was turning around to see who it was. She smiled when she saw Ratchet, not recognizing who he was at first. "Well, hello! Are you a friend of Rodney's?" 

'Friend?' Ratchet thought. 'As if I'd ever be friends with this hunk of junk.' But he kept that to himself as Rodney explained for him. 

"He's probably just going to spend the night with us," he told her. 

"How wonderful! Fender, can you go fetch everyone else upstairs?" Aunt Fanny asked. 

"Sure. I'll be right back." As Fender left the room, he once again glanced at Ratchet with suspicion before heading upstairs. Ratchet just furrowed his brows, troubled as Rodney told him to sit down. 

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