Cat's Out of The Bag

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Ratchet showed anger. Even though he already didn't trust Rodney himself because of his strange kindness toward him (and expected to come across this conclusion eventually), he tried to play victim. "You were lying to me?" he said. "All of you?" 

Everyone turned to Ratchet, fear crossing their faces. Rodney looked a little bit squeamish. "Um.." 

Ratchet stood up, brushing dust off of his hands in disappointment. He looked at Rodney. "For a second I thought that you and your friends would be honest in their forgiveness and care," he lied. "But what did I expect. You are all but selfish outmodes unwilling to accept me." 

"You're the selfish one!" Crank argued. "You took it upon yourself to execute us!" 

"But I've changed. You heard it from Rodney, who I believed was right before he betrayed me," Ratchet lied again. "All I want to do now is to be accepted back into Robot City. Not as someone to be feared but to walk amongst you all in harmony. But now," he faked sniffled, "now, that is just impossible." 

Rodney reached his hand out. "Ratchet--" 

Ratchet swiped his hand away as he went toward the front door. "I suppose I'll just go back to the Chop Shop and continue to wither away. That's all I'm good for anyway." 

The Rusties didn't stop him and watched as he went out the door. When he did, they all turned to each other. 

"Gosh," Piper said. "For a second, I was starting to feel bad for him." 

"He's acting. Can't you guys tell?" Crank said. "He's literally trying to make us feel bad for him again just so we can be vulnerable and he can take advantage of us." 

Lug rubbed his chin. "I don't know, Crank," he said unsurely. "I really do think that he wants to change." 

Fender turned to the blue and white robot. "What do you think, Rodney?" 

Rodney stayed silent. Was Ratchet really being truthful here? He didn't know. He did feel guilty though...what was he going to do? 

Well, for starters, he knew that he couldn't just leave. He already told Bigweld that he was going to keep him at Aunt Fanny's until Bigweld decided what to do with him. He couldn't just have him walk out into Robot City, even if he really wasn't a bad guy anymore. 

Getting up from the ground, Rodney rushed toward the door. 

"Rodney! Where are you going?" Piper shouted after him. 

"I've got to get him back!" he yelled back. "I can't let him go! Not until Bigweld comes here!" 

As he opened the door, he was about to run outside and chase after him. However, he stopped in his tracks when he saw that Ratchet and Cappy were on the ground, collided into each other. 

"Cappy? What are you doing here?" Rodney asked in surprise.

Cappy was holding Ratchet down, probably to keep him from running away. "I had to make sure that you were safe. Both you and your friends," she replied. 

"That's very noble of you Cappy. And thanks for getting Ratchet for us. He's not supposed to leave." 

Ratchet craned his neck to look up at Cappy. "What? You're in it, too?!" 

"Can it, Ratchet," Cappy growled, shoving his head down on the sidewalk. 

The Rusties grouped behind Rodney to see what was going on. Piper peered around the blue and white robot to wave at Cappy. "Hi, Cappy!" 

"Hi Piper!" she said. 

"Why don't you come in? It's getting late," Rodney suggested. 

Cappy smiled and held up Ratchet. "Okay!" 

Rodney smiled and they walked back inside the house, much to Ratchet's dismay. 

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