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Will contain fluff
Akaza being shy
Douma being a supportive boyfriend

No one's POV

"Akaza-dono!! Could you please crossdress for me??"Douma said showing Akaza his puppy eyes."Oh fuck no, go fuck yourself" Akaza said doing a middle finger for Douma."pleaseee??? I'll not eat a woman for uhhh 2 week!"douma said though knowing he is gonna regret doing it."Really?"he says clearly interested into The offer."Of course you're my boyfriend!"Douma said.

(After they got to douma's room)

"Are you sure this is going to be okay?"Akaza said afraid that his boyfriend gonna think he's ugly."Of course! You're gonna be so beautiful"
Douma said knowing that his boyfriend is scared that he's gonna think he's ugly.

"There choose what you wanna wear!"
Douma said.akaza ended up picking a pink half black dress that has pink and black long socks, white glove some flower on the head.(sorry I'm not too good at picking clothes 😔)"Akaza-dono you look wonderful!!"he said cheering his bf up,"are you sure this is okay?" He ask clearly unsure.

"You're beautiful Akaza dono don't think yourself is ugly" he said with a calm voice."t-thank you for supporting me"Akaza said being shy."you're welcome!"Douma said with a cheery and joyful voice.

Akaza end up hugging him while sleeping in douma's bed

229 words

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