one of them

959 9 3

Angst with happy ending
Reverse au (the uppermoon is the hashira)
A word that is misspelled?
Btw Akaza is hakuji but he prefers akaza

Akaza and Douma got a mission together they need to work together as a team but Akaza is stubborn and thinks he can do it himself to impress Douma but what he doesn't know is his team got turned into one of them and he cannot confess his feelings.

3rd POV

"Akaza, Douma you have a mission to take down a demon from ******* we heard that people had been missing at night be careful since the demon is pretty powerful" muzan said firmly. he knows that the demon is powerful but he thinks that he does not need to bring out his most powerful hashira.

Akaza and Douma got up and bow down leaving their leader room." Akaza-dono we can work together as a team!!"Douma said cheerfully."no I can do it alone shithead so fuck off or just lay down"Akaza being Akaza left Douma alone and run as fast as he can.

"Akaza don't run it's dangerous!" But Akaza did not hear it since he is far away for him, Douma sigh as he took his war fan and run off where Akaza is hoping he could find him.

Douma scan the area and stop since he can feel a dangerous aura, he quickly sense a presence behind him, he turn around and met with the one and only uppermoon. His eyes widen as he saw the number upon her eyes 'Uppermoon 5'.

Douma got his weapon ready and dash to uppermoon 5."Ara ara~ no need to rush hashira, what's your name? my name is kanae~" kanae said gracefully. "Douma but why would I tell you when your gonna be dead soon" his voice getting darker, deeper and colder.

"Are you sure Douma?~" she said as she summon a vines around him ready to grab him. Douma swing his fans to cut off the vines. "Ice breathing-


Akaza wander around in the forest wondering where is the demon he hears something...

Akaza eyes widen as he hears the sound of screaming but the voice seems familiar.. he recognize it as Douma's. He quickly run as fast as he can 'no.. no.. NO NO! he cannot die I haven't confess my feelings to him!' he thinks.

He arrived and much to his horror he saw Douma sitting there with tears in his eyes. "Douma? Are you okay?" He slowly got closer but noticed there is something wrong, a strong aura but the demon is there dead. He cannot think but an I dea popped up. His eyes widen, he cannot turn into a demon right? No he is the second strongest there is no what he is defeated."Douma turn around... TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW" he said scared that he might be one of them.

He is correct, his crush is one of them now. A monster that eat people...

Tears swell in Akaza eyes too. He saw his crush eyes, dead there is no longer sparkle in his rainbow eyes, only tears and coldness. He back down he felt water coming down from his cheeks
"No.. you can't do this to me"

"Kill me Akaza" "NO!" He broke down, his crush the only one that he loves has been turned.

Douma sat there, He hated seeing the one that he loves broke down. He help him to open up his feelings, the one that got him his emotions back.

Douma felt useless. He hugged Akaza "shhh. Akaza you must understand, I am one of them now. You need to kill me"

"No. There m-must be a way, we could-"

Douma cut Akaza "Akaza no please let me go. I just need to say one more thing to you, I love you no matter what you helped me unlock my emotions and the first thing I felt around you is love, at this world we might end here but I promise, at the other world we will be together. our faith is always together I will found you no matter what" he smiled gently.

"I love you t-too Douma"

"You confessed to me but now please"

"Akaza, please just kill me"

Akaza got up and hesitated to pick up his sword, he picked it up and kissed Douma, Douma can feel tears in his eyes he felt sadness. Akaza let go and stab Douma, "are y-you happy now" he said weakly ready to burst. "Very thank you for everything my time is up" Douma slowly closed his eyes and smiled.

Akaza broke down again "I *sniffed* love you so fucking much" Douma body slowly disingerated.

He picked up Douma fans and hug them
"I'll keep this carefully" he said. He cried for hours. Douma's crow cried silently.


"Caw Caw uppermoon 5 has been defeated but the ice hashira has died"

Kokushibo eyes widen he is upset but hide it and he knows this will happen but not too soon he hopes that Akaza is okay since he knows Akaza has a crush on douma.

Hatengu is sad since he gave him a gift once and he is the one that loves to talk to him sadly there is no more of it now.

Nakime is disappointed since the hashira of ice is dead. She secretly likes his presence.

Managi(gyokko) is sad he even shed one tear because Douma supported his art, he is the only one that said something great to them.

Daki and gyutaro eyes widen and cried since they think Douma is their father figure. Daki screams and cry until she is asleep and gyutaro helps her and cried silently.

Akaza took it the worst. He has no appetite to eat getting only 3 hours of sleep and often pass out, he sometimes just hope that this is a dream but sadly no he needs to face the truth.

Akaza's POV

"Akaza!! I'm so happy to meet you again!" Douma said cheerfully " Douma?.. please come home everybody missed you" Douma face saddens "Akaza I can't but I'll wait for you even if that takes a year or more but promise me something." "Oh sure"Akaza said nervously "take care of yourself and check on daki and gyutaro Im 100% sure they are depressed too and eat until you can't anymore" Douma kissed me, that felt real.. "goodbye see you in the afterlife love" my eyes widen "WAIT" I reach out my hands.

I woke up, so that was a dream but that felt so real. I smiled to myself and vowed to him I'll keep myself safe and his kids

*4 years later*

I died... Hm. "Akaza!!!" I felt someone jump to me, it's him... my boyfriend "Douma!" I yelled feeling happy I can meet him after many years "you know I waited for you so long" he pouted, I smiled "come on I'm sorry for making you wait, let's go to our home!" He said dragging me I smiled this is him my boyfriend.

3rd POV

"Oni-chan do you think that Akaza and dad finally met again I turned to my brother, "I think so they may be dead but there still in our heart" he said I smiled there happy now and we are in peace i jump to my brother "DAKI!!" I laughed and he smiled as we are watching the sun sets

Woohoo 1000+ word huh well finally I did it!!, Thank you have a great day and stay safe 😃

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