love is crazy

954 6 1

Yandere Douma au
Forced relationship
This OneShot might not sounds like Akaza

Blood in the hall

Screams filled the school

People running to save their live

Douma's POV

Pathetic, always running. I killed half of this school I think, I just need to find my love. Then I can get married to him and we happily live together.

Akaza's POV

I run to the exit, it's not that far but not close. swear running down, He killed my friends, he's a psychopath, he's crazy. I don't know why he did this.


He saw me, oh shit-

I kicked him but he catches my legs oh fuck. "Love! I finally found you come here please so we can go home. He said happily, he lost his mind. "FUCK NO,YOU KILLED ALL MY FRIENDS! YOUR A CRIMINAL I FUCKING HATE YOU" i scream to him, his smile slowly disappear. "Hate me? Hahahhaha! Your funny kaza." His tone got more serious, "now enough joking, come here and we can live happily"

Is he stupid?

"Like hell I would live together with you! I hate you" his eyes got more duller, shit.

I run as he tried to catch me, great a dead end."No one will help you. You've been bad Akaza" he said as he grab me forcefully and closed my mouth he cut me slowly. "Mmmfh!! Mmmnfffhh!!" It hurts like a bitch. He cut me in the neck,chest and more. Tears streamed down my face.

He laughed crazily."you've been bad not only you broke my heart you tried to kick me. You will be my boyfriend forever you can't leave Akaza!" He laughed again. He gave me something when I opened my mouth to say something. He made me swallow it

I feel sleepy. No! Stay awake..

3rd POV

Douma already planned this. He falled in love with Akaza. He smiled. "Now we can be together you can't escape from me.. love"

Im sorry if this is short but that will be all since my brain can't take it anymore 😔.

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