this is home

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Modern AU
Douma is an office worker
Akaza is jobless.
They adopted a kid named sakura (female, 7 years old)

Summary: Douma had been stressing at work since his jerk of a boss had been ordering him around. And he tries to spend time with his family when he is free.

No one's pov.

"Dad! Did father came home yet??" Sakura asked akaza who is cooking dinner (it's evening). Akaza then looked at sakura and sighed "sakura, I already said to you minutes ago that your father is not home yet, Be patient please." Akaza then looked back and continued to cook

Sakura then huffed disappointedly and looked down. Akaza noticed his daughter upset expression. "sakura..your father is not home, you should understand that he is working for us..." Akaza said a bit more gentle than before.

"I know father..but..he just..rarely go back home..or rather he always comes home when i am sleeping.."

Akaza was not looking at her, he knew that sakura missed Douma and it might be a little too hard for her to not see her father almost Everyday and akaza understand Douma is really working hard for his family. He then turned off the stove and Prepare the plates, he then give sakura the food he just cooked and they ate dinner without Douma.

Douma's side:

It was really late now, Douma had been longing to go back to home but of course his work is still not finished. Muzan had asked for Douma to finish his work today, no more. And being muzan he is, he said that Douma even needed to put little or unnecessary details. Douma kept making some snarky remarks in his mind. He doesn't even have his silly and goofy behaviour anymore. He just wants to go home

After an hour later

Douma sighed. "Finally..I finished.." he muttered quietly to himself. He sent his work to muzan and grabbed his car key, he went out of the office and drived back home. While steering the wheel he thought: '*im a bad father aren't I..leaving sakura and akaza alone..*'. He sighed and finally after a few minutes he arrived back to his house. He was tired, stressed and frustrated. He parked his car and opened the door, he put his coat at the coat hanger and put his shoes into the shoe rack. Douma saw the sight of sakura with her sleep clothes falling asleep in the couch, probably waiting for him. Douma looked around and saw akaza with his pajamas in the dinner table on his phone. "Kaza?.." Douma said softly.

Akaza then looked up and saw Douma with a stressed look, his long hair was messy, and his tie was loose, and there were eye bags under his eyes. Akaza frowned and got concerned seeing his husband in this state, akaza put his phone down and approached Douma. And leading him to the couch next to sakura who was sleeping. "Are you okay?" Akaza have Douma a glass of water and he drank it. Douma replied back with a "yeah..I'm just tired.." akaza furrowed his eyebrows "mh..go shower alright?" Douma then nodded, he stood up and started to shower.

Akaza sigh, his worry was over the roof for his husband. He saw sakura mumbling something in her sleep and smiled, he sat down and waited for Douma to finish showering

Douma finished showering, he put on his pajamas and went back to the living room. He went to his and akaza's bedroom with akaza, Douma was carrying sakura and laid her in her parents bedroom since douma was too tired to carry her back to her bedroom which was like across this bedroom.  He cuddled with akaza. And closed his eyes, sakura then woke up. "Father.." Douma opened his eyes again and smiled "yes darling..? Go back to sleep..". Sakura didn't reply but laid in the bed next to akaza who's his head was on Douma chest. Akaza already fell asleep, sakura then went back to sleep.

Douma smiled, seeing his little family peacefully sleeping. "Sweet dreams sakura..kaza.." Douma felt comfortable here, With his family, his real home.


Hi, sorry for being gone. Yes I think I improved..(not really) but I enjoyed writing this, I wrote this at like eleven at night and finished at 0:18. By the way, have a good day guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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