respect your superior

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Smut                     bad grammar
Master kink.          First time writing smut
Degrading kink

Akaza's POV

As the sun rises,i know I fucked up well I mean that dumb boy. How dare he threw his sword to me! ugh dumb sun always ruining everything.

I reach some building, it looks like someone is there living in the house. As i go in I smell some strong aura, wait. Something's not right but I decided to ignore it, I jumped from the window.

That strong aura is getting stronger, i couldn't be more suspicious, "Akaza-dono!!" a voice called. Only one person that calls me 'akaza-dono' and that person is...THAT BITCH

I turned my head and to no one surprised it really is him.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE DUMB SHIT"I yelled to him, "ah Akaza-dono this is my cult I should be asking you it but I couldn't be more happy to see my friend here!!"he said showing his 'smile'....wait-


"But I thought your my friend!"


His face somehow got darker, "that's not how you speak to your superior Akaza-dono"his voice getting deeper every second,why would I be scared what would he probably do? "I don't care if your rank is taller or sum shit!"I said definitely not showing that respect he wants.

"Remember your place Akaza-dono"his stern voice creeps me out. Wait- where did he go?! "I should punish you" he said grabbing me by my waist,my eyes widen.

3rd POV

Akaza suddenly got pinned by Douma as he kissed him. "HMMM-" he said but sadly his voice muffled. Douma slip his tounge, Akaza did not gave him permission. Douma bit his bottom lip, Akaza gasps Douma took that moment to slip his tounge inside. "Hmm~" " I always know you like me kaza~"

Douma took off Akaza haori and robes in his pants. Since Akaza's pants is baggy the pants immediately fall off, Douma took off Akaza boxer slowly and undid his own. He said "what do you want me to do kaza?~"

"Hmm~ please~" "be a good boy and say what you want~" Douma teases him
"I want your cock please master~" "oh master huh? That's bold of you" Douma said testing his patient "just put your goddamn cock in me!"Akaza said clearly not happy being teased.

"Alright no need to be inpatient you slut~" Akaza's cock twitched,"you whore loved being praised" Akaza's eyes widen at douma's cock being that big he thought him only being 6 or 7 but definitely did not expected being that big probably being 10 inches.

Douma put his hand in Akaza's ass and thrusted his finger, doing a scissoring motion Douma adds a third finger.

"Ah!~" "shhh you don't want people heard us right?~" Douma thrusted his finger to Akaza's ass until he thinks that Akaza is ready. He grabbed something "wait here Akaza-dono" Akaza whined.

(1 min later)

Douma comes in with a cock ring in his hands. Akaza noticed it and immediately whimpered, "remember this is a punishment kaza"he said putting it.

"Ass on the air" he commanded Akaza obeyed. Douma slowly put it in, "hahh~ hurt.." "I know kaza don't focus on the pain focus on the pleasure" Douma's cock is fully in he thrusted slowly and repeat but faster."Ahhh~ f-AS~ ter plea ahh~se
"As you wished" Douma thrust his cock into Akaza's ass in an inhuman speed.

"AH~ mhhh~ KeEP gOing pLeaSe~"

They did it 3 round more

"That was amazing hmm?"


" No no I'll clean you first and then sleep"

Akaza whined

They cleaned themself and goes to sleep after

That was tiring 🤧🤧
Love ya horny people!!

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