🖤You're Mine ~ Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader🖤

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A/n : for all my people coming from the preferences book to here, the oneshots that were in that book are transferring over to here!

Background Song : Aishite Aishite Aishite(Cover) ~ JubyPhonic

⚠️Warning⚠️ : Mild swearing

Also, shout out to @xosweetener for my first story idea!

Author POV
Alright, time to tell the tale of how our favorite lesbian couple, Bebe Stevens & (Y/n) (L/n) got together. It all started a couple years before they even got together, when they went to high school together. (Y/n), surprisingly, was actually new to the South Park, Colorado community. She just moved to South Park from their lovely home town, (H/n). (Y/n)'s parents thought it would be nice to move to another quiet place and they said that South Park was the place to go. (Y/n) was the only child, since, well, that's something we'll discuss that later on in the story. The (L/n) family packed up and headed to South Park the next day or days(I'm not sure how long it takes to get to South Park.😂)

**Time Skip to 5 weeks later brought to you by Emo Stan**

"(Y/nnnnn)! Make sure you grab your lunch before heading out the door!" Your lovely mother, (M/n) called to you from downstairs. Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom doing what you normally do to get ready in the morning.
You look at the time to see it was 8:30. 'Shit! I'm gonna be late for the bus!' You thought as you hastily grabbed your (f/c) book bag from the hallway and ran downstairs. You saw your mom made you waffles, so you grabbed one, shoved it down your throat, and drank some orange juice. "Bye Mom & Dad!" You yelled before you slammed the door and ran to the bus stop.
Your father, (F/n) came down to see that you didn't finish your waffles so he wrapped it up and placed it in the fridge. Then, he kissed his wife and headed to his car in the garage.

*5 minutes later of you panting a sweating your skin off from running so fast*

You finally made it to the bus stop and saw 4 boys standing there also waiting. You assumed that they must have went to the same high school as you, so you walked up to them. You decided to stand next to a guy with a orange parka on and dirty blonde hair covered by a hood. He looked at you and smiled brightly. "Mhmm mhm mhmm mhm mhm, mhmmmm?" (I haven't seen you before, are you new here?) The boy said in a muffled voice due to his hood. "Yes I am, and your name is?" You said understanding every word he said. "Mhmm mhmmm mhhmmm. Mhm mhm mmhm mhm! Mhm mhmm mhmm? "(Kenny McCormick. Nice to meet you! And your name is?) He said introducing himself. "My name is (Y/n) and it's nice to meet you too!" You said smiling happily.
The other 3 boys looked at you dumfounded at the rare beauty they have seen before their very eyes. "Dayyyyyyyymmmmmmnnnnn!" The 3 boys whisper.

*Time Skip to a week later because I'm a lazy bish*

Bebe's POV
It's been cool here at South Park High so far. I've met up with my main bitches(Wendy, Red, Heidi, and Nicole)again after a jam packed summer. I go to locker since I'm heading to ELA and I gotta grab my homework or Mr Garrison goes full on bitch mode. As I'm walking to ELA, I see a girl in the corner of my eye that I've never seen before staring at her phone with those lovely (e/c) eyes. Wait what? I don't even know the girl and I'm saying that she's PRETTY?! Well, she is pretty cute, but that's not the point here! I need to get a closer look at her. I peek a look and see my newest classmate. A good looking girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and clear, perfect, (s/c) skin. She also has an amazing rack and fat ass. Now I know that she's gonna be mine and only mine. No one else in this damn high school can have her but me! 'The thing is, how can I get her to notice me?'
I thought as I closed my locker and head to my class. Although, I didn't watch where I was going and bumped into my annoying, craybaby of an ex, Clyde Donovan.
"Why hello Bebe, I couldn't help but notice you checking out the new girl. Maybe, just maybe I might be able to steal her away before you can even get to her." Clyde said slyly with a shit eating smirk on his chubby face. "What the fuck do you want, Donovan? I'm not about give her up to a man hoe like you, you crybaby. Besides, why would she ever want someone as emotionally unstable as you? You can go suck your own dick before even trying to ask her out." I snarl as I pick my shit up off the floor. As I look at Donovan's face, I see his eyes threatening to spill tears. 'Dont you fucking dare..' I thought as I look around the hallway. Then, in less than 1 second, estimated by me, he started bawling on his knees attracting attention to the two of us. I hastily think of something to do and kick Clyde in the groin making him fall to the floor in pain.

*Five minutes later after meaningless lecture with Mr Mackney as to why I shouldn't insult other peers*

Finally, a time where I can be with my besties and tell them alll of the shit that's happened today. Man, it's been a while since we all talked. Except for that group chat last night. Now that shit, that shit was pure gold, I even screenshot everything we said. I walk to the giant cafeteria where all of the varieties of students were with their little groupies and shit.

I grabbed my lunch and noticed someone new at our table. She had (h/l), (h/c), silky, hair and wait- that's the girl who was on her phone the morning!. Her laugh is like a symphony. I walk over to my group's table and sat in between Wendy & the (h/l) girl. "Oh! Hey Bebe, there's somebody we've been wanting you to meet. The girl sitting next you is (Y/n) (L/n). She's new here and we thought that you would want to show her around town." Wendy winked as she introduced me to her. "Hey there, my name's-" I started to say, but she interrupted me. "Bebe Stevens." (Y/n) said as she stared at me with those pure eyes of hers. After lunch, we got down to talking and it turns out that we both like the exact same things. I'm in love with her.

*Time skip brought to you by Author Chan's hormones acting wild*

Your POV
It's been fun hanging around with Bebe, Wendy, Nicole, Heidi & Red, but I'm starting to get the feeling that one of the girls are watching me. Everywhere I go, I just feel....watched. I'm now getting home from school and it's getting pretty dark. I sped up my pace because I hear footsteps behind me. Next thing I know, I'm pushed into a ally and a hand is over my mouth. I kick, hit and scratch to get free, but I can't. I know who this is. I feel her golden hair on my soft, (h/l) (h/c) hair and she takes me to the school.
At the school, I see something that scares the literal shit out of me. "Bebe, what the fuck did you do?! I-I can't believe you'd do something like this!" I scream in horror. "I had no choice. Cartman & Kenny were gonna capture you and they were gonna rape you. I didn't want that for you, so, I killed everyone so none could take you away from me, my precious sunflower." Bebe said as her tone got darker by the words slipping from her mouth. I back away in horror and put my hands over my mouth. 'Bebe, why would you do this?' I thought as I backed into a wall where she had her arm on the wall pinning me there. "I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you and-and...I never wanted tp see you hurt, so I did this to...ptoctect you..." Bebe said as tears formed in her eyes. Wait, really? I've loved her too and maybe I can change her *murderous* ways. Bebe started to sob quietly as I heard the knife she used hit the floor. "Im sorry (y/n)... I knoe you may not love m-me back bu---" i cut her off my kissing her soft lips and I felt her smile in the kiss as she held me in her arms.
For once in my life, I understood what love really meant. We pull from the kiss and look into each others eyes admiringly. "Does that answer your question?" I say as I kiss her cheek. "Very much yes" Bebe said as we got rid of the bodies.
Bebe was now my girlfriend and nothing was gonna get in our way no matter how much trouble we're gonna get in when people find out about what Bebe did. I'll always remain by her side. No matter what happens.

*The End, Bishes*

A/n : Creek is coming your way!!! Tell me how I did in the comments. No hate. I'm not playing those games. Besides, my birthday is this month,(April 22nd). As i get older, the more my stories will get better. Also, expect a bday special when the day comes. I'll try to be up to date on my stories, but I can't make any promises. Bye bishes.
With love, 🔥Author Bish🔥
Love y'all.🖤
If you have requests...COMMENT! If you have questions about me, dm me or comment.

Word Count : 1,649 words

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