🍋Touch in The Dark~ Damien x Gender Neutral!Reader 🍋

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A/n : this is a continuation from the from the lime! This chapter has been long requested from a large audience! So, I suppose it was about time, right? Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! ;) Some of the people to request this chapter are Sage_StarsCrocoKid3, and MADDIPUP76

⚠️WARNING⚠️: This will contain explicit language and sinful content! If you continue on from here, just know...you have been warned😏

Background Song : Privacy ~ Chris Brown 

Author POV

After the winter festival, you and Damien were able to go over your house and chill. As of right now, you two chose the movie Elf and were making popcorn & hot chocolate to go with it. Damien is in the kitchen waiting for the popcorn to finish popping. You however were under a fluffy blanket indulging in your warmth. 'Ahh, I feel like a toasty cinnamon bun. I never want to leave this couch' You thought, as you watch the movie questioning whether Elf's spaghetti sounds amazing right about now. Damien comes to the couch with two bowls of popcorn along with hot chocolate. As he sits on the couch, you scooch closer to him and snuggle up with him. Damien notices and he wraps his arm around you as you two watch the movie. After the movie finished, you two headed up to your room and cuddled on the bed.

 While you laid on the bed, you got on an idea. A sneaky, mischievous idea. You roll over to Damien, straddling his lap causing him to blush. "(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Damien asks, looking away to avoid eye contact. You grab his chin to face you, smirking seductively. "Finishing what we started at school~" You say, as Damien looks up at you, smiling as his face darkens. You lean down and press your lips onto his, wrapping your arms around his neck. Damien wraps his arms around your waist, bringing your area to his growing erection. You two pull away leaving a slight trail of saliva between your lips. 

Damien POV 

I bring (Y/n) to my lap as I start to slowly thrust my hips to theirs. I then feel my body start to get hot so I say, "Hold on, let me make us both comfortable~?" I take my shirt off and throw it into a unknown corner of the room. I then pick up (Y/n) and lay them down onto the bed, kissing, licking, and sucking on their neck. I hear them quietly moan as I continue to place hickeys everywhere on their body. "Ouu~, you're loving this aren't you~?" I ask, slowly pulling off their shirt and pants and throwing them. 

"Yes~" They reply, as their pants and moans start to get louder. I start to take my pants off and I pin (Y/n) down onto the bed. They blush and I pull their chins towards me and I put my face in their neck, thrusting deeper and faster. They start to moan even louder and I feel my body start to grow warmer than before. "D~Damien~" They moan out, gripping onto my back as they wrap their legs around my waist. I then feel sweat starting to drip down my face as (Y/n)'s moans turn into gasps. I start to pant as I thrust even faster and deeper inside (Y/n). 

Author POV

"Fuck~! You feel so g~good~" Damien moans as continues. Then, he gets an idea. He stops, and grabs you, flipping you onto your back. He then leans down to you whispering in your ear, "Arch that back for me, slut~"  You blush and do as you're told as you await for Damien's movements. Wait a minute... did you like being insulted? You questioned yourself until you feel Damien's hard on ram into you full force. You felt a slight jolt from your spinal nerves which causes your body tense up. "Ohh~ s~shit so fucking tight~" Damien groans, trying to stifle his noises.

 "Fuuck Damien~!!" You moaned out, causing him to grab onto your hair. You look back in shock and you feel Damien slightly tug on your (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Bounce on it, (Y/n)~. Bounce on that dick that you like so much~" You feel your body grow hotter from Damien's aggressiveness. Oh, it drove you wild when Damien was like this. Clearly this isn't the first time you've had sex, but Damien has been acting like this because it turns you on. You brought this up to him one time, and it's stuck ever since. You feel Damien ramming himself and you feel like you're on a all-time high. You feel your core start to tighten as your climax nears.

 "Are you about to cum, darling~? Cum on my cock~" Damien says, slapping your ass as he tugs your hair back farther. You feel that tightness in your core snap violently as your orgasm approaches. You moan out loudly as your body twitches. "Fuck~!! I'm about t~to cum~" Damien shouts as he rams faster. Not too long after, he groans loudly as he lets go of your hair, his hot, sticky cum filling you. Damien pulls out, seeing his cum drip out of you. He chuckles and picks you up bringing you to the bathroom. "Here, let's get you cleaned up. We both need it after that." He smirks, as he places you on the toilet, filling up the tub. You sigh, practically swooning from what an amazing boyfriend you had. He places some lavender scented bath salts in the bath to help soothe your body. Once the bath is ready, he picks you up, places you in the bath gently. 

You lay your head back, feeling relief from the warm water and the lavender smell. Your body relaxes almost instantly, causing you want to go to sleep. As you relax, Damien strips the sheets of your bed, placing them in your laundry basket. He also places both your clothes(that took forever to find) in the basket too. After Damien gets done doing that, he knocks on the already open bathroom door. You look up, smiling at your boyfriend, feeling a sense of bliss. "Mind if I join you?" He asks, two towels & robes in hand. You nod, leaning towards the faucet of the tub to make room. Damien gets in behind you, kissing behind your ear as he wraps his arms around you. 

You snuggle into his chest, giggling slightly as he cuddles you. "I love you, Damien" You say, closing your eyes peacefully. "Love you too babe," He replies, washing the both of you up so you don't fall asleep in the tub. Once you two washed up and dried, you two put on your robes, and go to your bed, putting brand new sheets on. After you two finished that, you two got into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms. 


Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay! I've been busy trying to get myself ready for college! Well, hope you guys enjoyed! <3

 ~ Ray Ray 

Word Count : 1170 words 

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