💢Possessive ~ Kyley-B x Reader💢

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This has been requested by @michaelzaftussy! Let me know what other stores you'd like to see!

Background music : Insane ~ Summer Walker

⚠️ Warning⚠️ : Moderate language, slight @buse

Author POV
(Y/n) has always been a sight for sore eyes ever since she first transferred from North Shore High. She always carried herself with such grace and confidence that no one could resist watching her stride. (Y/n) had transferred because of the bullying from her previous high school and hoped for a new change. She walked past the girl group(Wendy, Bebe, Red, Heidi and Nicole) and their jaws dropped. "Who is she?" They all blurted out. That's when Stan's group noticed her coming down the hallway from all the commotion. The first one to notice her was Kyle. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. It was until their eyes met, that Kyle looked away in embarrassment. (Y/n) giggled to herself and slightly waved as she made her way to Home Ec class.

Kyle's POV
"Mmmm, mmm'm mmmmmmm mmm!!"(Dude, she's fucking hot!), Kenny said to Cartman who high-fived him in agreement. "She is pretty smokin, dude" Cartman replied. "Whoa, she was really pretty, wasn't she Kyle? Kyle??" Stan asked, noticing his super best friend didn't respond. Kyle was deep in thoughts about the enchanting girl that just walked his way. He couldn't stop thinking about how flowy her (h/l) (h/c) was, how her (e/c) orbs made him think of a breezy spring morning. "KYLE!! EARTH TO KYLE!!" Stan shouted, hoping it would get his attention. Kyle snapped back to reality and said, "Oh! Sorry Stan! What were you saying?" "The girl that just walked past, ya know the one who waved at you??" Stan said, referring to (Y/n). "Oh...her" Kyle said, sighing dreamily. "Oh shit dude you got a crush on her!!" Stan smiled and clapped his buddie's shoulder. "W-Well yeah..! She's absolutely...stunning." Kyle said, smiling from ear to ear. "Uh oh, we're losing him" Cartman said as Kyle looked exactly how Stan would at Wendy. Then, Kyle started thinking. 'This absolutely marvelous girl was way out of my league! How could he get her to notice someone as invisible as me..?' Stan snapped him out of his thoughts once again by saying, "What about good ol' Kyley-B?" Stan smirked as Kyle processed Stan's suggestion. "Maybe...but wouldn't that be too..intense for her?" Kyle said, continuing to process the idea. "No, no I'm sure that girl will love the Kyley-B attitude." Stan persuaded. With that piece of advice, the bell rang and Kyle raced home to impress the girl of his dreams

* Time skip brought to you by 1980's montage music*

Your POV
I was in the car with my mom listening to music on my phone. "Dear, we pulled up to the school! Have a great day, sweetheart! I love you!" Mom says, as she parks the car. I get out the backseat and go over to my mom's side and give her a kiss. "Thanks mom, I love you too!" I say as I walk to the school entrance. I walk to my locker and use my code to unlock it. "So (L/n). How's about that date Saturday night?" A familiar voice asked. I close my locker door to find Craig Tucker, the notorious bad boy. "No thanks, I gotta study for my trigonometry exam." I say plainly, making an excuse. "You promised me a date yesterday when we were in English." Craig said, stopping me in my tracks to PE. "I only said it so you would go away. Now, leave me alone Tucker." I say, rolling my eyes and making my way around the lanky boy. He slams me against the locker and says in a menacing voice, "not without a date." I start to look away from him trying to find witnesses. I then see a pair of hands push Tucker off of me. "Why don't you go harass some other girl?!" The voice shouted, sending Craig away with embarrassment. "Oh..! Thank you...?" "Kyley-B." He introduced. He took my hand and kissed it, leaving me blush a slight pink. "Are you okay, miss..?" He asked, intending for my name. "(Y/n)! Ahem, (Y/n) (L/n). It's..nice to meet you Kyley-B!" I say, grateful for him getting me out of that situation. "Not to worry, Craig can be such an asshole sometimes." Kyley-B explained, slightly chuckling. I giggled and I look into his emerald eyes. 'He's...kind of cute. No...he's super cute..!' I thought, lost in a trance. Kyley-B said, "So, what class are you heading to?" "Oh! I'm going to PE!" I explain, handing him my schedule. "No way, so do I! C'mon lemme walk you to class!" Kyley-B said energetically. "I'd like that." I say in a slightly flirty manner. Kylely grabbed your stuff and walked with you to PE.

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