I Kid You Not

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I gotta tell you this. I just have to.

Ricky comes into my room. It's Wednesday, the week I'm back, and I seriously need a shower. It's the same as before, really -- there's just some things I can't do -- so, yeah, I asked Ricky if he'd help again. I figured it would be like before which was sort of talking and laughing, and maybe a little bit like the locker room. Not too fast, but not slow quite like Heidi either. Just maybe like brothers, and I figure that fit with what he said about his brother. The only difference I know about is that mom isn't home, but why should that matter, since she knew and she wouldn't bother us at all anyway. But It ends up mattering.

I plan to ask him about why he did that to Saquan, but I hadn't asked him yet, and I don't end up getting around to it.

So it starts out easier than the first time, just because he'd done it before. He helped get off my clothes -- all of them, because I decided I wouldn't care. Why should I? He's seen me before. Just like the locker room, you know? Then he puts this waterproof sleeve over my right leg, which still has the ends of rods and pins sticking out that aren't supposed to get wet. Okay, so he helps me off the wheelchair and onto my shower chair, which is metal and has holes for water. he turns the water on, gets it right, then turns the nozzle so it soaks my hair.

But then he steps out, and he's gone for a minute, and when he gets back in, he's naked. Before, he had just taken off his shoes and socks, but now he's totally naked. ...Like me.

"It just makes it easier," he said, seeing how I was looking hard at his face. "You know, so I don't worry about getting wet." I guess that's okay. So now I kind of looked him over, since he had looked me over plenty. I don't know. Just a guy, I guess.

Okay, so here, you have to start using your imagination. All I can say is that this was a different shower than the first one. Way different. ...But not bad. I'm not saying it was bad! Now it started to remind me of Heidi, only a lot more. And he was leaning against me a lot, pressing his thing against me a little, and putting an arm around me. Lots of soaping up. Yes, that's right, he put his hands there on me, and he pulled my left hand to wash him there too. And... And I did it, because... Because it was fucking nice, okay? Nice. Smooth and warm and soft. ...Mostly soft, but... You know. I'm not really embarrassed about it at all, but I am a little embarrassed to tell about it.

When he's rinsing me, we're laughing again. Just joking. So I think it's all over, which I think I'm glad about. I mean, it was all just washing, really. But, oh my god, does he have a surprise for me. He helps me get from the shower chair to the wheelchair, and then from the wheelchair to sitting on the edge of my bed. Naked -- we're both still naked. Then he says, 'okay!' kind of loud.

And Ingrid walks into the room. Ingrid.

I am so shocked, I don't even think to cover anything. And then, right in front of me, she takes her clothes off. Right there, in my bedroom. All of them. All. Right there! Ingrid, naked in front of me, and she's... Oh my god.

So. Yeah. Well. Imagine what could happen if everything happened the way you'd want it to happen. That's what happened. They lay me down... Wow. Dried me. Worked together. I didn't need to think. Ricky sort of... Well, Ingrid didn't need, I mean, she knew... She did... It wasn't long. I mean, everything was slow and way way more than Heidi, but once it got, you know, to it, I was done pretty quick, and Ricky too. I helped some with that. And Ingrid I guess, though that was mostly Ricky. Me watching, well, one hand... I don't really understand that, yet -- how girls are done. And then it was like the guys in the locker room again, except that Ingrid was there. They wiped me up, got my pajamas on, got dressed, talking. Giggling a little, really.

I kept myself awake a long time that night, remembering. Imagining. A long time. And that's the memory I'm holding tightest of them all, right now. Right now! You'll see. We're getting to it now. You'll see.

Just know that none of us said anything about our amazing Wednesday, and it sure looks like no one will ever hear more about it from me.

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