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James and Maureen were startled at the sound of the distant deep voice that called out, with James showing his disdain by throwing up his hands in the air and shouting back about just introducing himself.

"Give the lady what she wants and don't bother her, James.", the police officer coming towards them ordered while looking away.

A disappointed James backed off and prepared the pump, with a relieved and shy Maureen telling him to fill up the tank. James flashed her a very intense and cold look as she scrambled towards the door of her car. Safely in the car, while heaving a sigh of relief, Maureen was glad the officer came out just in time to stop a potential danger. In deep thought with her eyes closed, the presence of the police officer knocking on her door startled her to reality. She winded down to say how grateful she was to him, as the police officer leaned forward towards her.

"Call me Ray, and there's no need to thank me, madam, I'm just doing my job", he said, while keeping an eye on James.

Officer Ray is a fair-complexioned and heavily built man. With his dark shade and hairy personality, one would imagine how strict he'd actually be.

"Looks like you're new around here", he further stated as Maureen seemed too shy to make eye contact.

She affirmed by nodding her head sheepishly, as though she could feel Ray's eyes piercing through her skin from his fitted sunglasses.

"It's a much quiet town, but I guarantee you'd be fine", he said, while smiling.

Meanwhile, James leaned against the machine and cursed under his breath, as he watched Ray and Maureen having a good conversation. As Ray was about to walk off, Maureen reached out to ask whether there was anyone around to help with her lack of power supply.

"The lights just went off last night, and I don't really know where to go or what to do", she said.

Ray leaned over again to tell her not to worry, as he'd be sending someone over later in the evening once she dropped her address. She thought about it for a few seconds before presenting him with it. He stood off and promised to send someone over while waving at her as she sped off the fuel station.

"You should be really careful around here", Ray said to a bitter-looking James while tapping his shoulder and walking past him. James looked angrily at him as he passed by, while abruptly turning again and staring in the direction of Maureen's car.


Listening to some cool country music while sipping coffee and reading later that day, Maureen was startled by a knock on her wee small door.

"Who's there?", she called out.

The voice at the door bellowed being sent by Ray, which prompted her to jump to her feet as it seemed that was the electrician. She opened the door to the smiling face of a shy figure who quickly apologized for the inconvenience.

"No, not at all. Please come in", Maureen said with a smile on her face.

He thanked her and uncomfortably hurried into the house, with an amused Maureen slamming the door while watching him act up.

"My name is Isaac, and I'm the electrician around here", he shyly stated while trying not to make eye contact.

Maureen smiled at his funny antics and proceeded to explain the issues of the light tripping on and off since she arrived there. Isaac convinced her about that not being a problem as he uncomfortably requested to see the electrical box.

"Of course, but are you sure you're okay?", she confusingly asked the uncomfortable Isaac.

Stuttering, he unconvincingly assured her all was fine, as she beckoned to him to follow while asking herself the reason everyone in the area was acting so weird.

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