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Viciously stripping Maureen naked, James beckoned to Isaac to come over.

"Take off your damn trousers and get your stupid ass here", he shouted.

With Ben laughing at the top of his voice, Isaac hesitated to get to his feet while trying to beg James, who was having none of the whole pleading thing. Trembling while taking off his trousers and moving towards the point of action, Isaac was ordered by a bloodied James to have sex with the partially unconscious body of Maureen, which he hesitated while begging them to stop.

"Do it now or die", James shouted at Isaac, who instantly heeded his instructions due to the fear of being shot.

Thinking Maureen was totally unconscious and wouldn't realize what was going on, Isaac made up his mind and decided to have raw sex with her. Although she was unable to stop him or move her limbs due to being partially unconscious, Maureen knew what was going on and could see who was right on top of her through her thinly opened eyes. While smoking and laughing out loud, James and Ben cheered Isaac on, as his tempo kept increasing with every hype he got. Although not happy with what was going on, Isaac seemed to be pleasurably having most of the moment, as Irene continued to record the whole scenario. As the wind kept blowing through the residence with random dry grasses and dust, James and Ben continuously took turns raping Maureen till she passed out without a pulse. At that point, Irene couldn't bear it anymore and told them they'd had enough.

"Since she's got no pulse, I think we should just bury her ourselves", she said while smoking and looking out the window.

James disagreed while sinking deeper into his seat and blowing off some smoke, insisting her body could be found and traced back to them. With fear already ravaging the whole body of Ben, he made it clear jail wasn't his best option as James shouted at him to keep shut.

"Why not dump her off into the flowing river", replied a dejected Isaac, with all attention suddenly diverted to where he was seated on the floor. This sudden diversion prevented them from noticing that Maureen had gently flinched and moved a shoulder. Although she could hear what they were saying, her numbness prevented her from screaming and moving her limbs.

"What did you just say?", a surprised James asked Isaac, who seemed to have accepted fate.

"I said we should dump her into the flowing river", replied Isaac. "That way, her body would be washed up to a different location far away from here", he added.

Irene and Ben exchanged shocking gazes and stared back at James, who was smoking and grinning profusely at the same time.

"I knew you'd come through for us, that's a very brilliant idea", James replied while continuously laughing.

"Let's get to it before the day gets brighter then", Irene said. "As the river current is often stronger early in the day", she added.

All these they planned without the knowledge that Maureen was partially conscious enough to hear them. Although numb and motionless, she tried her best not to blow her cover as more ongoing discussion was heard. Making sure the house was in order, cleaning was performed to block off any clue regarding what had happened right there. After the cleaning and arrangements, Ben and Isaac picked up Maureen's lifeless body with James opening the door for them to pass through. The door was duly locked with no traces of clues, as James looked around to make sure no one was watching. Already in her car, Irene ushered Ben and Isaac towards the back of the car, as she also kept looking to make sure their plan wasn't being compromised. Here, Maureen's body was dumped in the booth and locked, with all perpetrators instantly hopping into the car as it madly zoomed away.

Although motionless, a bloodied, battered, and disgraced Maureen kept thinking to herself, as she didn't know what crime she could have committed to warrant such wickedness. As the car dashed through the road madly, her thoughts kept increasing with Ben and Isaac looking behind at her consistently, as if to make sure she was actually dead. Arriving at their destination, which was a very silent road where the river was beneath a small pedestrian bridge, Irene unsuspiciously parked at one side of the road. Stepping out of the car, she waited out for a while to make sure no presence was detected, before ushering the others out to execute their plans.

"Guys, the time is now, let's get rid of this body before someone finds us here", Maureen ordered as she automatically flung open the car booth.

In a flash, Ben and Isaac hopped out of the car towards the booth, lifting out the lifeless Maureen and hurrying to the pedestrian bridge. Here, her body was immediately tossed into the heavily flowing river, as both men hurried back towards the car, which zoomed off madly based on the fear of being caught.

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