This is how I disappear

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After Gerard left in a hurry, I was left confused standing in the middle of my room. He really cares about his little brother. I wish someone cared about me like this.

I make my way downstairs into the kitchen and make myself some mac and cheese, this is the only food I can make myself. I wait the awfully long 15 minutes for it to cook and then take it out of the oven.

I walk to the living room and make myself comfy on the sofa, I reach out to grab the tv remote very carefully as to not spill any of my mac and cheese. I succeed in that and turn on the tv to some random science channel.


I jump about a metre in the air when my phone dings, spilling about half of my mac and cheese on the floor and surprisingly the scolding hot food doesn't go on me. Sometimes I can't help but believe in luck, phew. I stand up to go grab something to clean up the mess, before my mom gets home. The text message can wait.


Jesus, who the hell needs to speak to me so urgently. I try to hurry up and clean the mess i made, but the cheese is sticking to the carpet, ewwww. I hear my phone vibrating and stopping and vibrating again a few times. I scrub at the carpet trying to get the majority of the food out of it. A few minutes later and about a million missed calls and messages I am done.

I walk up to the table to grab my phone, sweet lord. All the texts and calls are from Gerard. I panic, what happened? I quickly call him and he picks up after the first ring.

"Frank, I'm so sorry I left. It's just Mikey, something happened between him and his boyfriend. If you want you can come over, but i can't leave him home alone." He sounded like he was crying, why was he crying?

"Gee, calm down. I'll be there in a second."

I end the call and quickly text my mom saying I'm going to a friends house. One thing I know, I will be interrogated once I'm back from Gerard's house. Why? Because in the 16 years if my life I never had a friend.

I make the quick journey across the street and knock on the Way's door. Gerard opens the door and ushers me inside, he still looks on the verge of tears.

"Man, what happened? Why are you crying? What happened to Mikey?"

"Well I'm crying because I thought you are angry at me, because you wasn't replying to me. And Mikey, well his boyfriend broke up with him."

He sniftles a bit. Oh God I feel guilty for not replying sooner.

"Sorry about ignoring you, I had to clean something up. And about Mikey. Maybe we should give it a few days and see how it goes, maybe they'll sort it out themselves." Gerard nods to this.

"Well come on, I'll show you my room. We can read some comics, I have shit load of them" he gave a half hearted laugh and started walking up the stair, me following behind.

Walking into Gerard's room is like walking into a cave. There is a double bed in the left corner of the room with black and red covers, the walls are covered with paintings, sketches, drawings and posters. There are boxes full of comics lining the bottom of one wall, the floor is a dark brown colour, there are clothes strewn across it. It all looks really messy, but to Gerard it's probably an ordered chaos, just like my room is to me. If someone was to tidy up my room, I would never be able to find anything.

"Sorry about the mess" Gerad mumbles, he probably saw me looking around.

There is an awkward silence, I look at Gerard snd he is blushing. Oh lord, he is so adorable when he blushes. His black hair and really pale skin makes the blush stand out so much. He is so cute.

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