61 (I think?)

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List of things to do instead of cutting.

1. Watching a fish (if you have one)

2. Stab a pillow

3. Write whats bugging you than tear the paper into a million pieces

4. Make a silly face mask thing and wear it around (make a sheep one)

5. Talk to a friend that can help

6. Think about how stupid it is

7. Sing randomly in a pink tutu dancing like spongebob on drugs

8. Watch a movie

9. Use a marker to draw on yourself instead

10. Take a nap

11. Do something silly

I was thinking about my waaaay earlier post Cutters. I realized, what if you are the one cutting? What should you do? What if that brings you down for some reason? I wanted to give you guys a list of things to do instead, if you have any ideas of your own you like to do or think would work don't hesitate to share them in the comments, have an opinion on what I write? Put it in the comments, don't be shy, I love hearing from you!

Depression and Suicide #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now