Not OK

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        I'm not going to lie. I'm not OK. I don't think I will ever be OK. Call me dramatic, call me an attention wh0re, call me annoying, call me anything you want. I don't care. I'm pretty sure my pastor has figured out I have depression. He prays for all those with depression and looks me straight in the eyes when he does. Today I confessed to my friends at lunch that I've been thinking about commiting suicide. They thought it was a joke so we laughed it off. The only one who knew it wasn't a joke was my friend the pastor's oldest daughter. She didn't say anything at lunch though because she knew I didn't want the whole school knowing I have depression. It's only getting worse. I may actually leave you all this month. It's getting harder to hold on and I just don't think I can do it anymore. All of you reading this have only made me feel better, and I hope that you can continue to bring joy into others lives!

Depression and Suicide #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now