Double Meaning

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I drag the blade across my wrist

I watch as the blood drips

I see my scars

They're better than stars

I look into his eyes

And he watches as I die


This is something I wrote last year on a different account, before I told everyone I had depression, when I was slowly falling for an amazing guy. It's been about a year since I wrote this and looking at it now, I can't believe I wrote this myself! It's deep, the only comment I got on this was "I think I know the double meaning, I'm not sure but this is deep, I couldn't just make something like this up, it has to be real."

I know now the double meaning myself. There's the obvious one, and then there's another. This is it.

I take the risk of talking to him

I watch my life fall apart

I see the shattered pieces of my heart

In a twisted way they're better than anything

I gaze into his eyes

And he watches as I finally break

Depression and Suicide #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now