Falling in love

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We don't choose who we fall in love with. It's one of those things that our hearts choose. Falling in love is amazing. Its a wonderful, awesome, amazing thing. There's no words to tell others how it is. Falling in love is different for everyone. For me, it was scary. I wasn't trying to fall in love, it just sort of happened. It happened this summer. By the time I had lost all contact with him, I realized I had fallen in love. I can remember every story he told me, his favorite things, and how I was only trying to help him. We ended up becoming friends, and now I'm in love with him. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or the last thing he said to me: You deserve a great life, so just love it. I live by those words now, I'm trying to have the greatest life I can.

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