Chapter 3: Threat and Saving

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After the Hashira meeting, Y/N got to keep his colorless Katana and went home with his sister, where they were greeted by their happy parents. After they told them the news about Y/N, they started cheering for him and even gifted him a new kimono as a reward for his hard training.

Mitsuri was incredibly proud of her brother, or as he is called now, the prodigy and Rengoku told them that if they wanted they could attempt the final selection in a few months, because he trusted that they were strong enough for it, especially Y/N . They agreed and continued training for one month until their fifth birthday arrived and they all celebrated. In that month, Y/N noticed his body giving out at random times and his breathing techniques not working sometimes. At the birthday party, the only ones who were not with the others were the two kids the party was actually about. Mitsuri was staying with her brother, who was laying in his bed coughing and having very high fever.

Ever since that birthday, Y/N grew weaker everyday. At some point, he even had to stop training completely because his body couldn't handle it anymore. He told his parents and sister that he was fine and it will go away, and they trusted him, until something happened...

>At the Kanroji's house<

M/N: "Mitsuri, Honey, could you go wake up your brother?"

Mitsuri: "Ok Mom!"

Mitsuri then went into Y/N's bedroom, which was also her bedroom since she wanted to share a room with him, and saw him kneeling on the ground in pain.

Mitsuri: "Y/N? Are you alright? Mom told me to pick you up so..."

Suddenly, Y/N coughed up blood.

Mitsuri: "OH MY GOD! Y/N are you ok?! What is happening?"

Y/N: "It's alright Mitsuri, its just the sickness..."

He then coughed up some more blood and fainted.

Mitsuri: "Y/N! Just hold on a bit! MOM! DAD! HELP!

Mitsuri's Parents then came rushing into the room.

F/N: "Oh my god, Mitsuri what happened?"

F/N, the head of the Kanroji family and a former Demon Slayer. He is known as a very kind and rational man. He is also very good friends with Kanae Kocho and Uzui Tengen.

M/N: "What happened to my baby!?"

M/N, the mother of the Kanroji twins and a kind woman. She is known for her extraordinary strengh and endless love for her children. She doesn't tell them, but Y/N is her favorite child.

Mitsuri: "I don't know! He said it was his illness and fainted after coughing up blood!"

F/N: "We need to get him medical attention, Now! I Know someone, come on the estate isn't that far!

Mitsuri: (Estate?)

So they rode with the horses given to them by the villagers and soon it grew night, and with the night came the demons...

Demon: "Ohhh look what we have here, a little girl, just what I like!

Mitsuri: "It's a demon! Dad, help!"

F/N: "Don't you dare hurt my family!"

Suddenly, a glint of something appeared in the moonlight, right out of the nearby forest. The only thing they heard was someone saying:

???: "Flower breathing, fourth form:
Crimson Haganoromo!"

The demon didn't even have time to look in the direction of the voice because he was already decapitated with his head flying through the night sky.

???: "Are you alright? What are you doing here?"

Before them stood two girls, both with very similar appearances. Siblings, Mitsuri assumed.

One of them was a little girl, probably a year younger than the Kanroji siblings. She had short purple hair, purple eyes and wore a smaller version of what Mitsuri learned was the uniform demon slayers wore under their kimonos. She also wore a hairpin on the back of her head that looked like a butterfly. She was very small, even smaller than Y/N, and that was very hard, Mitsuri thought.

 She was very small, even smaller than Y/N, and that was very hard, Mitsuri thought

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(Without the kimono and Katana.)

Then the other girl came flying down from a tree. She had the same purple eyes and hair like the other girl. She wore the demon slayer uniform with a butterfly styled kimono over it and a nichirin Katana attached to her hip. She appeared to be smiling until she saw a unconscious Y/N in M/N's arms

F/N: "Kanae, oh my God, you have perfect timing! Thank you for saving us!"

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F/N: "Kanae, oh my God, you have perfect timing! Thank you for saving us!"

The woman, who's name apparently was Kanae looked at F/N with a worried face.

Kanae: "Ara Ara, it's good to see you again F/N-san, but what happened to the boy? He seems to be unconscious and his breathing is very shallow.

M/N: "We don't know! Mitsuri said he just suddenly coughed up blood and fainted! My husband said he knew someone who could help us, I suppose he meant you, since you seem to be knowing each other?"

Kanae: "Alright I'll help him. Quick come with us! Shinobu, take the boy with you, his mother must be exhausted."

Shinobu: "Hai, Onee-chan!"

The two then went away, with kanae seemingly disappearing and the little shinobu just running in the direction of a big mansion like building with the small Y/N in her arms.

(Although you are bigger than shinobu in height, she can easily carry you since:
1. You are very light and don't weigh that much
2. She is stronger than other girls her age because she trained with her sister.)

The women of the Kanroji family just stood there dumbfounded at the helpfulness of the two. They then started following the Kocho's.

Mitsuri: "Were that the Kocho sisters?"

F/N: "Yes, i know the older sister from my days as a demon slayer."

As soon as they entered the Kocho estate, they immediatly entered the room Kanae was treating Y/N in. Kanae told them that it would take a while and so they waited, they waited for the eldest Kocho sister to diagnose Y/N's illness. As his parents entered, the first thing they saw was Kanae with a sad face and Shinobu sleeping beside Y/N which confused and annoyed Mitsuri a little bit.

M/N: "You look sad, is something wrong with my baby?"

Kanae: "I am so so sorry...

To be continued...

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