Chapter 4: Health and Sickness

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(It is evening now)

Kanae: "Your son has a rare case of Myasthenia gravis, a rare chronic disease that slowly weakens the body and causes muscle fatigue. I am sorry, but he will have to end his career as a future Demon Slayer."

Then, Y/N, who just woke up with Shinobu, started talking.

Y/N: "What, no! I need to become a Demon Slayer, I promised to Rengoku-sama and Hakai-sama!

Kanae: "No. Trust me, you won't even make it to the final selection before your muscles start to weaken and soon you will not even be able to stand. I am sorry Y/N, but I possibly cannot allow you to train any further, let alone become a full fledged Demon Slayer."

Mitsuri, who just noticed her brother being awake because of thinking about some... personal things, rushed to her now awake brother.

Mitsuri: "Onii-chan! You're awake! Are you alright, what happened to you?"

Y/N just looked at his sister with dull eyes and without his cute smile he always has.

Y/N:  " No Demon Slayer..."

Mitsuri: "Eh?"

Y/N: "I'm no Demon Slayer. I'm way too weak to be a Demon Slayer."

Mitsuri: " Y/N..."

Y/N: "They lied to me. Oyakata lied to me. I am no prodigy. I'm just weak."

Mitsuri: "What are you talking about? You are incredible! Of course you are a prodigy! You are gonna be the best Demon Slayer there is out there!"

Kanae: "I am afraid not, little one. Your brother has a rare disease called Myasthenia gravis. This disease will slowly weaken his body and over time will also cause muscle fatigue. He won't be able to continue becoming a Demon slayer."

Mitsuri: "B-but that's not possible, Onii-chan is incredible, he will overcome it, right Onii-chan? Please say you will overcome it."

At this point, Mitsuri had tears in her eyes while hugging her brother. Y/N just looked at her with lifeless dull eyes and hugged her back without feeling anything in his heart. He started thinking about his sister and how this will affect her, while Shinobu just looked at the two with sadness.

Y/N: "It's alright Nee-chan. It seems fate has decided against me. Not even the great master Oyakata can stop kami."

Mitsuri: "Onii-chan, are you alright?"

Y/N then faked a smile as to not worry his sister, even if he felt empty inside.

Y/N: "I'm fine Nee-chan. It's okay. Lets just go home, I'm tired."

Mitsuri: "But-"

Y/N: "Please?"

Mitsuri: "O-ok. Can we go home now Kocho-sama?"

Kanae: "Yes, if you want to then you can return home, but before you do, I need to talk to your parents for a second. F/N, M/N, would you please follow me for a second?"

M/N: "Yes, of course, come on honey."

F/N: "Coming!"

Mitsuri smiled at her parents, especially her father. When in private, he was quite the silly man, he likes to make jokes and tease everyone until they get annoyed, but he was still very nice. As soon as the three grown-ups were alone, Kanae became more serious

Kanae: "F/N, you probably already know what I want to talk about, right?"

F/N: "Most certainly, its about his blood, right?"

Kanae: "Yes, Indeed." 

(A/N: It is called Lothric. Sorry for that, didn't know what got into me, but king who gets that reference)

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