Chapter 5: Friends and Family

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(A/N: One year has passed since the last chapter, so you and Mitsuri are 6 years old now. In that time, Mitsuri has been acting very cold towards you. Despite that, Mitsuri has't stopped sleeping in your bed in that time. Everyday, you ask her if she could stay home for one day instead of training everyday, but she always responds in a cold manner. Your father has not done anything besides getting mad at your mother and sometimes Mitsuri yet.)

Mitsuri woke up before Y/N and the moment she saw her twin brother sleeping peacefully with his arms wrapped protectively around her waist, she started blushing hard because it looked like a lovers embrace to her. She thought about that sometimes after training, love and things like that. She never was able to say that she felt love to anyone except Y/N, but always came to the conclusion that it was simple sisterly love. But after what he said one year ago, about protecting her and stopping her father from becoming worse, she saw him in a different light. Even though she hated it when he wants her to stay home, she was pretty sure this was more than sisterly love, but she did not dare tell anyone because she knew that she should not feel like this towards her brother. Just as she started panicking about how she should deal with these feelings, Y/N started to stir awake, looking at his sister in the process.

Y/N: "Good morning, Nee-chan. Did you sleep well? I hope I did not squeeze you too hard, I tend to do that sometimes."

Mitsuri: "N-no you didn't, Nii-chan, I-I actually quite liked it."

Mitsuri was freaking out why she was stuttering like that all of a sudden. Was it because of her feelings for Y/N?

Y/N: "Oh, right I forgot, don't you have to go train with Rengoku-sama today again?"

Mitsuri: "Yes I do, why?"

Y/N: "I was wondering if you could sta y here with me for tod-"

Mitsuri: "No, for the last time, I will continue training and become a demon slayer. I'm not going to stop just because you are sick."

Y/N: "B-but-"

Mitsuri: "No buts. Now, stay in bed until i come back,  alright?"

Y/N: "H-hai, Onee-chan."

As Mitsuri was getting ready for training, Y/N was wondering what happened. Ever since he got sick, his sister has been acting more and more cold towards him, but he still loves her with all of his heart. He also started thinking about how he would stop his father from becoming the worst he could get. With his sickness, it became increasingly harder for him to try stop him, but he was still determined to keep his sister and mother safe, and if he will have to murder his father for it, then so be it. He did not care about his father, nor did he know why that man saved him when he got sick, most certainly because his mother would be incredibly sad. Just as his thoughts became more violent, Mitsuri came back in his room with her training clothes on and her nichirin katana strapped to her hip.

Mitsuri: "I'm going now, Onii-chan. Please don't overexert yourself while i'm gone, alright?"

Y/N: "I won't, but I think I will visit the new person later."

Mitsuri: "New person?"

Y/N: "Yes, a new family has moved into town today, Didn't you hear? I heard it's just a mother with her daughter, she is about our age if I remember correctly."

Mitsuri: "Hm, I didn't know that. Then I can maybe visit them after training."

Y/N: "Yes, maybe you can do that."

Mitsuri the left while waving to Y/N who was looking out the window sad. After she left, Y/N then got out of bed, washed himself and dressed in his clothes for the day (You choose.). He then grabbed the cane he recieved from the blacksmith, he found the silver snake ornament resting on the handle quite nice. He got it to help him walk since it was quite hard to do so with weak bones.

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